The leaks say it’s not even taped out. So minimum late 2025 or 2026 or never sadly.
As an A770 owner I wish I had better news.
The leaks say it’s not even taped out. So minimum late 2025 or 2026 or never sadly.
As an A770 owner I wish I had better news.
I’m glad you got it working with IPv4. For the record though the way to do such a thing in the future is to think in IPv6. In IPv6 there is no nat or port forwarding. Even if you have host exposure. You need to set an appropriate rule in your router firewall.
On the host itself you need to use public IPv6 addresses. Then on the router firewall you set a firewall rule with an appropriate delegation mask allowing traffic to the specified port.
It’s different than IPv4 but once you learn IPv6 it’s easy.
I’m very confident that this whole post is just this guy expressing his fetish.
So ashamed and embarrassed but posts many detailed pictures gives many interviews.
Probably all of them. Germany is really not ideal for solar in terms of weather, yet they are installed by many people all over the place, even today. With the cheaper prices things will get even better.
Germany is already over 50% renewable. :)
Don’t put if off is my advice. Imagine putting it off last Trump election and having so many years of dysphoria. I had friends who held off for years and they regretted it.
Issue is that some sites just refuse to work saying you need to install a supported browser. Changing the user agent fixes this.
The crazy part is that the threat is real. Imagine not voting for Harris in the US because of perceived antitrust fears and ending up with 6 Trump Supreme Court justices who spend the next 40 years turning the USA into a Christian nationalist state.
What about gross speeding or drunk driving?
I think automation is an acceptable path. But I think we still would need some organization with legal authority. We can’t just fine people later for drunk driving. They need to be stoped asap even against their will. Same goes for people grossly speeding or even elderly people who can’t drive safely even though they think they can. Given your other posts this organization can be community lead. This being said any community lead organization with such a legal mandate would just be police under another name.
I feel safer with a German police officer than with an American one. This being said I can’t imagine an alternative tool. Anyone given the tools needed to stop and punish dangerous drivers would just be police by another name.
Yah that term isn’t an official term. I just meant it in the sense of a IPv6 prefix. Without knowing more about how your router firewall works / in set up I can’t be too specific.
But in general the way things work with ip addresses is that your ISP provides you with a block of IPv6 address. This block is the prefix/first part of any given ipv6 address on your network. Each host uses that prefix and generates a suffix that it adds in to it in order to generate a full globally reputable IPv6 address.
By default most hosts use the IPv6 privacy extension to random suffixes and cycle through them. This is good for privacy but bad for hosting a public service. You need to turn off the privacy extension and the second half of the IPv6 address will stay static.
Next up you need to write a firewall rule to allow traffic to that globally routable IPv6 address. In an IPv6 system the router does not intercept or rewrite the packets like it does with IPv4. So all a router does is act as a firewall saying “Yup outside hosts can or can’t make inbound connections to certain hosts/ports”
The trick with a consumer IPv6 address space is that just like IPv4 addresses given to your router, the IPv6 prefix can change randomly.
It would be annoying to have to update the firewall rule every time this happened. That’s why the idea of masking matters. You tell the firewall “ignore the prefix of this firewall rule. Just allow or deny based on the static suffix.”
The way to write such rules is different on different firewalls. Most consumer devices don’t have a way to configure such things. Even professional networking equipment mostly makes you use the cli to manage such things.
I hope this helps.