Switched from the USC/Colorado game to Clemson/Cuse. I wonder if they’ll give up on giving Colorado prime billing after this week. It’s not terribly interesting to watch Colorado perform slightly better than what any sane CFB fan would expect.
Frankly, today’s slate seems really odd. There’s no game that is standing out to me that I have to see no matter what. Yet another Saturday where I wish that ESPN didn’t kill off Goal Line.
In my mind the most valuable part of Game Day is the first 15 minutes when they go over the top games for the day. The rest feels like filler most of the time.
Brady did QB sneaks all the time, and it worked quite well for the Pats. Are QBs more likely to be injured on sneaks? It seems pass plays are the worst for QBs, with potential sacks and hurt knees and ankles trying to get away from the rushers.
I have a Pi4 that is running Homebridge and pihole.
I think it’s what makes finding a franchise QB so hard. It’s not easy to evaluate if someone can make that jump. It’s like with Mac: you would think the clear path from Saban to Belechick would be a good sign for his development. But he’s struggled mightily, and I don’t see it getting better.
So what I think you want is the DS9 era Klingon emblem.
Check out this eBay listing: https://www.ebay.com/itm/225629480900?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MsrYxcGVQCq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
According to this article this is the banner that was used on the Promenade in DS9. This is a “chair drape” (whatever that is) but maybe you could use it as a flag, convert it to a flag, or have a custom flag made based on this?
As a Pats fan I love Brisket. He had a nice run here back during the Brady suspension/Jimmy G injury thing.
I’d be happy to see Brisket get playing time (even if it is with the Jets), but I don’t think he makes the Jets a Super Bowl contender.
You’re entirely right, the NFL has terrible QB depth right now. I think it’s in part that there is this class of QBs that took or are taking forever to retire (e.g., Brady) and they pushed out young talent over the years. I think we’re in store for a period of more turnover in QB, and I hope it means greater depth.
Makes sense. I just spent 5 days reconstructing my network due to a variety of inefficiencies. Happy to say it worked out on the end, but it was hell during.
Good luck!
Huh. Well, there goes that idea.
Next I would try removing the AppleTV from the Home. Force the HomePod to be the hub and see if scenes work.
If that doesn’t work, I’d try completely starting your Home over, with the first device you connect being the HomePod and the second being the AppleTV. I realize that’s not ideal but you’re having abnormal behavior here. I have an AppleTV, HomePod, and HomePod Mini on a network with multiple smart devices and everything works fine.
When you go to Home.app>3 dots in the upper right>Home Settings>Home Hub and Bridged, do you see the HomePod there?
I feel like Duke got way too cute with the pooch punt. I guess we’ll see how it turns out.