
joined 2 years ago
[–] menemen 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I was sitting next to my wife for a few hours talking to her (we brought food and so on, so no need for me to go anywhere).

I mean, I would have had time to play games, but I doubt I'd still be married. Tbf, I never even thought about that possibility before seeing this post.

I could maybe understand it, if it was a problematic pregnancy. Like, the wife of a friend of mine had to lie in a hospital bed for several weeks before giving birth to reduce the risk of premature birth. You'll want to spend as much time there as possible, but after sitting in a room together for weeks, this might start to sound like a good idea,

[–] menemen 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

One baby was kinda not a big deal imo. When the second comes it gets a little more exhausting. Still manageable, but yeah.

Edit: I mean, it was a big deal, changed our life and perspective on life so much. I was just adressing the stress level. Most important is to work together. I also have to add that we have a 1 year paid leave for one parent here in Germany. So it is ~~probably~~ a lot easier here. Edit 2: also, mad respect for single parents. That is, naturally, a whole different story.

[–] menemen 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I have a kindle, but I never buy my books at Amazon. I just but them elsewhere, de-DRM them on calibre and copy them to the kindle. Not as comfortable, but okay for me.

[–] menemen 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Most of those are advancements and disciplines either completely or overwhelmingly public funded in their inception and still today.

For a more modern example: all those chatbot we are hyping nowadays are based on many decades of publicly funded research. They literally did maybe the last 0.01% of the research and are cashing out big now.

But I always thought that is one of the problems of communism. The final step of getting to a desired consumer good is a thing that capitalism really excells at and communism struggles with. The DDR really struggled with that and it could be argued partially destroyed their industrial system with it. Communism excelled at optimizing products, because they didn't need to think about "the next sell", so stuff like almost unbrekable glasses became a thing in the DDR.

[–] menemen 9 points 2 weeks ago

Is he actually against people having enough food ro survive?

[–] menemen -1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

First, what laws are violated? Doubt international law touches this, US law maybe?

edit: Why the F do you downvote me? This is an honest question. I really dislike Trump, but I don't see what laws this violates, except maybe US laws regarding the separation of powers-

[–] menemen 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

My father was always going on about how stupid it is to buy a car designed by computer scientists and electrical engineers. He himself is an electrical engineer who has a PhD in computer science. He might have been on to something.

[–] menemen 20 points 2 weeks ago

They really do take 80s and 90s dystopian movies as inspiration. Almost funny how ridiculous unimaginatively evil that are.

[–] menemen 1 points 3 weeks ago
[–] menemen 56 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

I agree, this needed more layers.

[–] menemen 30 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (7 children)

Who is she?

Edit: never mind:

Edit 2: she is a prosperity theologian? Tbf, I am no christian, but i really doubt this is what Jesus wanted.

[–] menemen 33 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Yeah, that is mostly used for disinfection, the smell doesn't stay long.

Source: I am turkish and that is what we use it for.


Grew her 2019 from seed. She flowered a little late so I took her to my office, where I have a perfect nice south facing office. She produced a ton of peppers. Then I "killed" her (cut her of way down, leaving her no leaves at all) and left her. 2 weeks later she came back. So I started giving her water and nutrients. She grew back and gave (less) peppers in 2020. As I have been on and off in the office (guess we all know why) she wasn't treated as she deserved. At the end of the year, I "killed" her again. She came back again. So I gave her water. I gave her way too little nutrients (I hardly ever was at the office, she was mostly watered by a colleague), I never repotted her. I feel like a monster. She didn't produce peppers. Then suddenly in the fall of 2023 she produced 3 proud little peppers. So, I finally decided to take her back home and just repotted her in a nice, bigger pot and gave her the nutrients and fresh dirt (after 5 years...) she desperatly needed. I am somewhat exited what she will do this year.


Grew her 2019 from seed. She flowered a little late so I took her to my office, where I have a perfect nice south facing office. She produced a ton of peppers. Then I "killed" her (cut her of way down, leaving her no leaves at all) and left her. 2 weeks later she came back. So I started giving her water and nutrients. She grew back and gave (less) peppers in 2020. As I have been on and off in the office (guess we all know why) she wasn't treated as she deserved. At the end of the year, I "killed" her again. She came back again. So I gave her water. I gave her way too little nutrients (I hardly ever was at the office, she was mostly watered by a colleague), I never repotted her. I feel like a monster. She didn't produce peppers. Then suddenly in the fall of 2023 she produced 3 proud little peppers. So, I finally decided to take her back home and just repotted her in a nice, bigger pot and gave her the nutrients and fresh dirt (after 5 years...) she desperatly needed. I am somewhat exited what she will do this year.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by menemen to c/bundles

Looks interesting. But I literally have dozens of warhammer (fantasy and 40k) books left to read and hear... Oh man, what do you guys think?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by menemen to c/lemmybewholesome

Open for all suggestions! But only trustworthy sites please!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by menemen to c/bundles

Still undecided about this one. I like NBA games, but was quite disappointed in the last 2k game I bought (NAB 21), the personal player mode was just so annoyingly micropayment ruined.

Lethal League Blaze looks cool, but 14€ is probably a little too much for it alone.

And I read too much unpromising stuff about WWE 2k battlegrounds.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by menemen to c/bundles

Bought it a few days ago. Seems to be well regarded on goodreads and a quick hear in made it sound like a quality production.

Was spiel ihr so? (self.pnp_de)
submitted 2 years ago by menemen to c/pnp_de


vermute zwar nicht, dass sich hier viele her verirren, aber ich mach trotzdem mal den Anfang,

Was spielt ihr so? Mehr klassisches (DnD, DSA, Cthullhu und co.) oder mehr erzählerisches (PbtA, Fate und co.)?

Ich selbst bin eher klassisch unterwegs. Zuletzt vor allem DnD. Aber gerne auch Shadowrun oder alles mit der Mutant Year Zero Engine.

Würde gerne mehr Erzählspiele probieren. Das einzige, was ich je gespielt habe war “Ein ruhiges Jahr” und das war klasse. Aber meine Gruppe ist da konservativ und ich hab zu wenig Zeit um zusätzlich zur Gruppe die lokalen Cons abzuklappern. :(

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