Let him ride the helicopter all he wants. Keep him up in the helicopter as much as you can. If possible, give him an upgrade to an Osprey.
It's well documented that he's estranged from one of his kids. And it's not like his behavior has gotten better over time.
He scrapped USAID. The CIA is gonna take that a lot more personally than 'he didn't escalate our harebrained scheme in Cuba to a full war'.
Wait, are these AI boosters bragging about how close they are to building God the torture that Roko's Basilisk is inflicting on us all?
Then one of the ~5000 FBI agents assigned to J6 (and therefore counting down to having to find a new job) has an opportunity to do the something very funny.
I won't hold my breath, but if this gets the Turks to stop bombing Northeast Syria, the ability of the new Syrian state to project power may get the region enough de facto autonomy that full independence isn't strictly necessary in the short to medium term.
What win is this?
The Dems went as hard against immigration as Trump was in his first term, and what did they get in return? Cause it sure wasn't the White House, Senate, or House of Representatives.
No dogs?
No masters.
You can just switch to Libre, but as Microsoft products (even paid) enshittify and as the Linux scene makes itself more user friendly, switching the rest of the way over just kind of starts to make sense.
Stamford Bridge Treaty!
Dead people make poor servants. You can't even boss them around.