It's pretty powerful and can win through fogs if it's using the 2022-2024 version, with Pestilent Cauldron // Restorative Burst as a combo finisher. But that won't work against, for example, the Nexus of Fate being re-added to the deck.
I'm a fan of Pioneer, but it definitely does not get a lot of love, especially this year. Even The First Pioneers podcast has been quieter and quieter, with fewer tournament results to discuss and no hype for RCQ seasons and PTs to aim for.
If I had to guess the winner of it all, I'm betting on Green Devotion. At least in the 3 years since I've started playing, it's the matchup that has seemed to raise the most frustration and stink from players (aside from ABA combo leading to draws).
Rule 0 still exists. This is meant to help give a quick distinction for playing in "untrusted groups" where you don't know what other people consider a "7." You can state clearly that by the brackets, your deck is considered a 3, but also mention that it plays out more powerfully, like a 4.
For most players, this is a pretty helpful guide:
- 1 is for your jank and meme decks. It's not designed to be strong, it's just to do something funny.
- 2 is for precon level decks. Not awful, but definitely not optimized. A number of budget decks and pet decks may fit in here.
- 3 is for your good decks, but with the caveat that they're not full of the salt-inducing "game changers" or Mass Land Destruction or 2-card combos that go off turn 2.
- 4 is for your best non-CEDH decks. Push it as far as you want, understanding that other people at the table likely did the same
- 5 is for CEDH. If you don't know what that is, you're not playing a 5, just a powerful 4.
I know that most of my decks are 2s, or a 3 with 1-2 Game Changers. None that would really be 4s, but sometimes I can play them at a 4-level table and still luck out into a win.
Unfortunately, yeah. Back on r/losangeles people knew the reputation of HB (and a number of other beach communities, especially as you push further south).
Truly ridiculous, though, to want to commemorate a building like this with the name of a movement that wasn't there when the building was built, and has no ties to the purpose of the building. They rage about identity politics but have somehow tied their identity into their political beliefs.
Well, no one voted for"Genocide Joe" because Biden was not in the election. I'm sure there were a number of people, though, who abstained from voting for Harris because she also did not represent their wishes for the situation in Palestine, though to me that feels like being a single issue voter.
I don't understand the quote or run-on sentence of yours. People should indeed try and campaign for candidates they believe align with their ideals of governance.
Imagine if it had
"Max Speed -- Haste"
I groan at yet another account situation... But I adore RGG's work, and will do anything for more Yakuza. Yakuza 3-5 remastered was the reason I even got myself a PS5. Yakuza 0 and Kiwami were the reason I got my PS4.
Five bucks says that the guy who didn't vote for Ichiro didn't hand out 10 votes, and that the snub is purely because they don't believe anyone should be unanimous.
I'm in the LA area. Glad that we're staying above freezing, especially in the wake of the fires.
But seriously, it feels like we're getting these humongous weather patterns fairly regularly now. Maybe someone should investigate what's going on with our global climate and causing these.
I'm over near the Eaton Canyon fire, and man has the day taken a turn for the worse for me. Power went down at 6:34 last night, and I'm not in an evac order zone... Just a quarter mile from an evacuation warning zone.
Spent an hour getting everything together in case I have to pack up my animals and roll out. Still no power as of 7AM.
How's everyone doing so far?
I took precautions yesterday out in Arcadia, and so far things have been fine, aside from all the dead leaves from a tree forming a humongous mound in my yard.
Online groups! There are great ways to play using things like Discord or other voice options, along with digital tabletops (roll20) or virtual tabletop applications (Foundry, Talespire, Tabletop Simulator or even the new beta for Project Sigil).
Online has its own set of bumps and friction points, but it can be a good way to get your feet wet with the rules and also practice the role play part. Just make sure that you're finding a group that is like-minded. There is often something called a "session 0" where the group will discuss the expectations in behavior and roleplay and responsibilities. It doesn't always happen with online groups, but in that case make sure you have a DM who is setting those expectations in advance.