Fix the court? The court is fixed!
"and you're fired " FTFY
Kyle Clark is a Colorado treasure. I watched his show almost every night since 2018 until I moved out of Colorado. He is witty, insightful and just the right amount of sarcastic. I hope he is still on air when I finally go back home
Any flavor of vi, Gnu Screen, lrzsz, bash with the usual cli tools (awk, sed, grep, tail, head, rev, cat, tac, and recently jq and yq). Also openssh client. Some flavor of netcat is also crazy useful too. This is a good home for me to do my thing.
Edir: oh, and git. How did I forget git?!
cpio is way worse
Wile E Coyote has entered Lemmy.
Compiler error: missing ')'
Adding Bluetooth to a vacuum cleaner does make it suck more.
What do you want for dinner?
My Gen-X trait is I only book travel via a travel agent over the phone.
To this day I still don't upgrade OSes in general and I even evangelize "rip and replace" professionally so loudly that it's now enforced via policy at my workplace. This must be where my ethos for this practice originated.
They are both old; only one is a convicted felon.