
joined 10 months ago
submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

The early morning snow has already melted off the trees here. It is eerily quiet and you worry the Orcs you are supposed to be tracking are tracking you instead.

submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

Early in your night hike, you come upon a small temporary camp. The fire is so inviting. Perhaps a short rest wouldn't be so bad?


The lake is narrowest here and your party needs to cross. Can you trust the cracked ice? It feels thick enough...


Your face is half numb but onward you march. Town is just a few hours away, and you look forward spending some time by the hearth.


While its glory days were long ago, this gatehouse is still used by local militias to protect the path, but not by choice... when vacant, bandits take up shop here for entirely different purpose.

Farm Lane Battlemap (
submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

This narrow path winds in between two fields of tall wheat. Be wary, anything could be hiding just beyond the path, waiting.


The winding trail and cool air is refreshing after your last dungeon crawl. You still feel the grime of that place, but the natural beauty of this area helps you forget.

submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

It's easy to get lost in the maze of rocks and trees that make up this hallow. The nooks swallow sound, and sometimes cries for help.

submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

The air is filled with the sound of falling water. Locals toss a coin in the water every time they pass over the creek. The troll that guarded the bridge was slain years ago but old habits die hard.

submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

What a beautiful evening it is. With the sun just below the treeline, everything is cast in a dim orange light. Take in your surroundings, but stay alert.

submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

This simple wooden structure looks abandoned. This looks like a pleasant spot to stop for the night, with the brook nearby. Perhaps your party could use the shack?

submitted 7 months ago by maunamaps to c/battlemaps

These crossroads haven't seen activity in a tenday at least, but at least your way is clear. Escorting this caravan was the lucrative option, but not the exciting one so far.

[–] maunamaps 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

Very fair. It is more angled than I like but it turned out too pretty not to share. My biased opinion is it is still playable but some areas e.g. behind cacti you have to use your imagination that a token would be behind not on it.

[–] maunamaps 1 points 7 months ago

I'm so sorry I missed your comment, not sure how that happened.

Thanks so much! The ones I share on socials are 2048x2048 res. On my patreon ( they're 4200x4200. I don't sell prints, at least not yet :) I've been working on making them a printable pdf. I almost have it down to be able to print at correct scale on 8.5x11. How do you generally print yours out?

[–] maunamaps 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Thanks so much , I love to hear feedback!

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

Check out all my maps on Total is up to 124 maps and posting new map packs 1-2x a week.

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

Check out all my maps on Total is up to 124 maps and posting new map packs 1-2x a week.

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

Re-posting this. The previous one had an issue with the image, so hopefully that is fixed now :)

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

Not sure what happened to the image? But was able to edit it in.

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

It is rather unnatural, isn't it?

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

Part of the Autumn and Halloween pack: New packs posted weekly (and usually even more often). 🙏

[–] maunamaps 1 points 8 months ago

Thanks! Midjourney, Topaz Photo AI for upscaling, and Gimp for touch ups.

[–] maunamaps 2 points 8 months ago

This is neat! I've been using Midjourney, but it's looks like I need to diversify 🤯

[–] maunamaps 2 points 8 months ago

It is something I'm interesting in exploring. There are multiple challenges in AI map generation. I think it will be a lot of work to get right. In particular, maps are made up of many parts, and their image names alone do not describe the parts of the image, and often time are colorful and don't even describe the map in a specific way.

For instance, a tavern map might be named "Weary Tavern" but how can the AI model know which parts are tables, chairs, stairs, bars, and so forth, so that they can be produced from a prompt?

I'm not sure how tagging parts of images for training works in stable diffusion but it's on my list to check out when I have the bandwidth.

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