
joined 2 years ago
[–] magnetosphere 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I used to be a big proponent of “/s”. My rationale was that reddit was a worldwide site, and it wasn’t fair to exclude people who weren’t fluent in English. Plus, I didn’t want to live up to the stereotype of the selfish, arrogant American.

Now, I just don’t worry about it. Over time, I realized I could say something obvious and seemingly non-controversial, like “the sky is blue”, and people will disagree anyway. If somebody a thousand miles away takes a sarcastic statement literally, and decides that I’m an asshole, then so be it.

[–] magnetosphere 124 points 2 years ago (8 children)

People who don’t know/acknowledge the difference between “free speech” and “hate speech”

[–] magnetosphere 14 points 2 years ago (1 children)

More information = more accurately targeted advertising

[–] magnetosphere 11 points 2 years ago

I thought I read something last week about Twitter and Google kissing and making up. Am I misremembering the story? What’s going on?

[–] magnetosphere 36 points 2 years ago

Mostly what I feel is gratitude. Personally, I don’t have the skills, technical knowledge, or free time required to run even a small instance. I know I’m relying on the generosity of others, which makes me much more tolerant of delays, glitches, etc.

[–] magnetosphere 1 points 2 years ago

Yup. Sometimes, nuance is important. If someone’s “not going to read all that”, then okay. Just don’t comment then, either! They can’t possibly add something constructive to the conversation.

[–] magnetosphere 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

It’s like most people just couldn’t be bothered to think (or read for that matter)

Ugh! The number of times I got some snarky reply making a point that I’d just made!

If you can’t stand reading, that’s okay. Just go look at some jpegs or something. Don’t make it everyone else’s problem by being an ass.

[–] magnetosphere 77 points 2 years ago


The details of the affair aren’t their business, but the fact that it happened definitely is. She didn’t just betray you; she betrayed the entire family. You made the right choice. They were old enough to understand, and they deserved to know the truth. They deserved to know that their mother could have handled things differently, but was willing to destroy their family. Even divorcing instead of cheating would have been better. She’s just mad because her kids know what a piece of shit she is, and she’s taking it out on you.

[–] magnetosphere 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

What makes this even funnier is how proud and self-satisfied she looks for using a racial slur

[–] magnetosphere 29 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Reddit has given several responses, full of contempt, belittlement, and insults. Oh, and threats. Can’t forget the threats.

Hey reddit mods: reddit doesn’t give a damn about you, your sub, or the community you built. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it hurts. Don’t be a fool and wait around for another response. The sooner you move on from reddit, the better off you’ll be.

[–] magnetosphere 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

…where you run into a problem similar to the one described in the original comment. You’ll get twenty minutes of useless filler because the youtuber wants to make their video long enough to monetize, while also advertising themselves because they want you to become a follower.

It may not be AI generated text, but the end result is the same: an annoying waste of time. Good luck finding a quick, direct answer to a simple question.

[–] magnetosphere 3 points 2 years ago

Boo fucking hoo

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