They're not that different any longer:
I have no idea how accurate this info on is, but according to it, you don't need a lawyer in small claims court (in the US). And according to there are many other countries with similar small claim courts: "Australia, Brazil, Canada, England and Wales, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Nigeria and the United States". I know the list of countries is not even close to covering a large amount of Steam users, but I suspect that us Europeans are covered in other ways, so there's that.
The Wikipedia page also mentions the lawyer thing, by the way:
A usual guiding principle in these courts is that individuals ought to be able to conduct their own cases and represent themselves without a lawyer. Rules are relaxed but still apply to some degree. In some jurisdictions, corporations must still be represented by a lawyer in small-claims court.
And I don't think you need to sue Valve in the US. I think they're required to have legal representation in the countries in which they operate, which should enable you to sue them "locally" in many cases. Again, not an expert, so I'm making quite a few assumptions here.
Yeah, you're right. Sorry. I've edited my comment to reflect that. I didn't read OP's image but rather the news post by Valve on Steam, but missed the part that said: "the updated SSA now provides that any disputes are to go forward in court instead of arbitration".
it’s certainly not GOOD for Steam users to not be able to complain without lawyering up.
But doesn't the change open up for litigation in small claims court? (Again, I'm in no way knowledgeable in US law, so I'm just asking.)
If, for example, I want to return a game in accordance with the rules and they won’t let me, I’m not gonna lawyer up and sue them from the other side of the Atlantic.
While supposedly being a lot cheaper than litigation, arbitration isn't free either. Besides, arbitration makes it near-impossible to appeal a decision, and the outcome won't set binding legal precedent. Furthermore, arbitration often comes with a class action waiver. Valve also removed that from the SSA.
I'm far from an expert in law, especially US law, but as I understand it, ~~arbitration is still available (if both parties agree, I assume), it's just not a requirement anymore~~ [edit: nevermind, I didn't understand it]. I'm sure they're making this move because it somehow benefits them, but it still seems to me that consumers are getting more options [edit: they're not] which is usually a good thing.
but chose bash because it made the most sense, that bash is shipped with most linux distros out of the box and one does not have to install another interpreter/compiler for another language.
Last time I checked (because I was writing Bash scripts based on the same assumption), Python was actually present on more Linux systems out of the box than Bash.
Skrev en mindre rant om det indlæg her:
Synes godt nok, at Rune Lykkeberg (chefredaktør på Information) og Henrik Gottlieb (sprog- og oversættelsesforsker ved KU) reducerer det danske sprog unødigt til kun leksikografi her:
Ud over mindre nuancer i betydning ("team" vs "hold" i arbejdssammenhæng), er der jo også stilistiske valg og sociale og/eller geografiske tilhørsforhold på spil, når folk vælger et ord fremfor et nogenlunde tilsvarende andet.
Sociolingvistik er jo sit helt eget felt indenfor sprogforskning — det kan jeg ikke forestille mig, at Henrik Gottlieb er ubekendt med — så det er sgu lidt tyndt og fattigt med udsagn som:
Pludselig bliver et hold på bedste mellemleder-facon kaldt et "team", noget godt er "nice", og et sammenstød er pludselig et "clash".
- Der er en snobbeværdi, der gør, at man indfører smarte gloser for noget, man har i forvejen, siger Henrik Gottlieb.«
Kandis "udgiver et nummer" og Kendrick Lamar "dropper et track". Jeg forestiller mig ikke, at sprogbrugerne vælger "nice", fordi de ikke kender til ordet "godt" eller andre nær-synonymer. Det han kalder "snobbeværdi" er jo enten bedst at betragte som stilistiske valg eller ren sociolingvistik, og måske endda begge dele. At kalde det snobberi udviser en mangel på forståelse — eller respekt — for de aspekter af sprog og sprogbrug, der ligger udenfor ordbogsdefinitioner.
Folk tilpasser (oftest ubevidst) deres sprogbrug for at signalere, hvilken gruppe af sprogbrugere de tilhører. Det er ikke anderledes end, når en skribent i Information har haft godt gang i fremmedordbogen for at signalere, at det er Information man læser, ikke BT eller Billedbladet.
Enterprise licensing for self-hosted setups is priced per chunk of 64 GB of RAM in your cluster. I.e. if you run Elastic on 2 machines of 32 GB RAM each, you pay for 1 node. It sounds like there may have been some poor communication going on, because they definitely don't base the pricing for self-hosted setups on the number of employees or anything like that.
They're also not super uptight about you going over the licensing limit for a while. We've been running a couple of licenses short since we scaled our cluster up a while back. Our account manager knows and doesn't care.
I can dig both, but I much prefer precision platformers.
I think they vastly underestimate how many things Meta tracks besides ad tracking. They're likely tracking how long you look at a given post in your feed and will use that to rank similar posts higher. They know your location, what wifi network you're on and will use that to make assumptions based on others on the same network and/or in the same location. They know what times you're browsing at and can correlate that with what's trending in the area at those times, etc.
I have no doubt that their algorithm is biased towards all that crap, but these kinds of investigations need to be more informed in order for them to be useful.
Odd. I replied to this comment, but now my reply is gone. Gonna try again and type up as much as I can remember.
Regardless, an algorithm expecting binary answers will obviously not take para- and extralinguistic cues into account. That extra 50 ms hesitation, the downwards glance and the voice cracking when answering "no" to "has he ever tried to strangle you before?" has a reasonable chance to get picked up by a human, but when reducing it to something that the algorithm can handle, it's just a simple "no". Humans are really good at picking up on such cues, even if they aren't consciously aware that they're doing it, but if said humans are preoccupied with staring into a computer screen in order to input the answers to the questionnaire, then there's a much higher chance that they'll miss them too. I honestly only see negatives here.
It’s helpful to have an algorithm that makes you ask the right questions [...]
Arguably a piece of paper could solve that problem.
Seriously. 55 victims out of the 98 homicide cases sampled were deemed at negligible or low risk. If a non-algorithm-assisted department presented those numbered I'd expect them to be looking for new jobs real fast.
Damn. I would probably try a more mainstream distro for Optimus support, like Pop_OS! or Debian/Ubuntu with non-free repos enabled.
I remember Bumblebee was a thing back in 2013, but it seems that it hasn't been updated since then:
Assuming that the scammers use some form of LLM too, then we've got LLMs calling other LLMs. What a fucking waste. It's like an upscaled version of senders using LLMs to expand their emails and recipients using LLMs to summarize them.