We live in the most cursed timeline.
Right. This article is far too generous.
Unreasonable demand when the goal from the beginning has been settler-colonialism and the complete ethnic cleansing of the people they stole the land from.
What a garbage article. It says in the headline “unacceptable antisemitism”, when you can see in the photo the banner says “white supremacist Zionist”.
This effort to conflate Zionism with Judaism only harms non-genocidal non-Israeli Jews.
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Lmao the audacity of a blonde haired white Zionist coloniser saying “I’m from Israel!” and refusing to listen to the truth from actual Jewish people. True insanity.
Fuck Pringles. All my homies boycott Pringles for Palestine.
Anything else would be Communism, which is bad for some reason.
Otherwise known as actual American history and present reality.
Read, write, gym, combat sports, paint, study, research, try to contribute to science, astronomy, camping, gardening, fishing, and a lot more.
Hamas is just a tool funded by Netanyahu to excuse the ongoing genocide.
Palestinians have every right to resist being genocided by one of the most evil regimes in history. There could have been socialist or more progressive freedom fighters but they were all destroyed by Israel. Israel wanted the resistance to be Islamist because if there’s going to be a resistance to outright genocide they’re easier to paint as the enemy.
Israel has no right to exist. It’s a white supremaicst ethnostate existing on stolen land. “Israelis” need to abolish the state and go back to their own countries.
They’ve been able to get away with settler-colonialism, apartheid, torture, and genocide for 75 years by playing the “antisemitism” card but that has to come to an end now.