It doesn’t say “from the left”. It says “from both parties”. Biden is the fascist from the other party.
Democrats are in no way, shape, or form part of “the left”.
At bare minimum someone on the left would be completely opposed to capitalism. They might be a mutualist, communalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communist, etc.
Democrats are Neo-liberals and support the status quo. Maybe not outright fascists like the Republicans, but they have more in common with Republicans than they do with anyone on the left and when push comes to shove they’re not going to oppose fascism, they’re just going to go along with it. “Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.”
Heaven forbid the kids should be against the outright mass murder of unarmed men, women, and (mostly) children, the targeted killing of journalists, doctors, and destruction of all hospitals, the blocking of aid, forced starvation, and targeted killing of people in designated “safe zones”.
Where has their sense of bloodthirsty genocide and outright cruelty gone?