
joined 1 year ago
[–] lung 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is it possible to run the android app on Linux somehow? Hmm...

[–] lung 68 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Steal an unloved kitten and give her a good home

[–] lung 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Hey don't shame ppl for normal variance in sex drive. Being horny is not a disease

[–] lung 0 points 3 weeks ago

It's a shame that the early seasons of SG1 were just plastic guns in a forest, bc the story/lore is so cool but I can't really recommend it anymore to first timers. Not the q I know

[–] lung 19 points 3 weeks ago

I guess I need glasses bc I can't C#

[–] lung 6 points 3 weeks ago

Sure you don't "have to" bathe but you'll have a bad time if you don't

[–] lung 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah I sure don't, have been happy with my prompt for a decade

[–] lung 2 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Performance of what, zsh? C ain't good enough anymore??

[–] lung 3 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

Fk if I know, that describes every shell. But new trends include and nushell. Just use zsh tho, it's perfect, always has been

[–] lung 15 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I don't agree, in the experience of my friend circle, if you don't release for a while:

  • you start having wet dreams
  • prostate harm - increased rates of prostate cancer in multiple studies - and my friend developed pelvic floor issues
  • the "mental harm" is having to walk around horny all the time, constantly thinking of sex, and affecting your interactions
  • even celibate people mostly masturbate, that's not what it means. Including many confessions from priests
[–] lung 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Nope, still smoothbrain, "consciousness" is not defined at all. It's just a word that nobody actually understands, outside of something like "he was knocked unconscious" — the Philosophy of Mind is a huge circle jerk where scholars have spent decades publishing papers yelling at each other as they try to figure out if consciousness exists at all, is part of a soul given to us by God, is an emergent property of complexity, or just plain stupid. You can't prove you yourself are conscious, let alone anything else. Or maybe the whole universe is conscious because it's one big system. Oh well, at least the professors get jobs

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