because it's not colluding, it's market research.
it's publicly advertised information, why would it be?
They call him a different name.
TLDR It's a deductible expense for the business, it's taken out pre-tax for the worker, and businesses get way better rates than if a individual was to go get a quote for the same plan.
It's a federal emission standard though, not a state one. It's only illegal to do in New Jersey, Maryland and Maine. Every other state once you own it, you can install these devices, or do a EGR delete entirely if you want to. In states that do emission testing on private vehicles you'd want it to be reversible of course.
Oh yeah, Russians love pushing coal. You know all those Russians that Putin has had killed over the years, poisoning, shot out of the sky, stuff like that? It wasn't because of political reasons, they were his ex lovers.
That's pushing coal.
the emission systems reduce the power and fuel efficiency. removing or bypassing emission systems means they burn less fuel and get more power.
It's a more efficient use of time, I get that, but you are still operating month to month, on vacancies, and year to year on contracts. The end result each month is going to remain the same.