Emulation = online piracy
Did I say that? I did not. I said the game was pirated in 1 week which it definitely happened unless everyone who emulated it was using it legally.
Emulation = online piracy
Did I say that? I did not. I said the game was pirated in 1 week which it definitely happened unless everyone who emulated it was using it legally.
Didn't tears of the kingdom got pirated in like 1 week within release? That must have affected sales in some degree
gross and sweet
It's short enough I just spell it out
Mom we are on the TV!
You can also kill people with a pencil (if you're John Wick)
Still doesn't work in production because it's a multi-cluster k8s instead of a simple laptop
WTF soy bean is such an important source of protein besides animal products
I suspect many has that power. We just can't spot them because they've moved on.
Like... what is this arbitrary ranking you have there that put soy milk below milk?
Magnifying things?
I'm not that person you're referring to tho