amazon, more like scamazon
I roll with no tracking/cookies/accounts. I check out as a guest. Prices change depending on location and purchase history. The best pricing is when the site has never seen you before. This also works for things like ISP new customer promotions and stuff.
need to read the terms of service of the application software. I am sure there was some sort of accept box to check.
red meat, any charred meat, chicken is reported back and forth often depending on things like who owns the media outlet or who funded the report. Fish is all over, its too broad a net to cast. Different types of fish from different parts of the world, Trillions of them are eaten every year.
With capitalism and the government entangled in the industry. I know they use propaganda to enhance their markets. My personal outlook on it is that the stance that cancer and animal consumption has solid findings. Our government (US) actively promotes the industry and subsidizes it with billions of $$$. Then on the cdc page they list red meat as a cancer causing carcinogen. In America, profits are #1. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are big money makers for pharmaceutical companies. JBS is a huge company. Owners are convicted criminals for bribing politicians. They raise animals in africa and california and then ship them to china. None of this has any concern about our health. For me, I have seen and read enough to make the decision to stay away from it. Anything to keep me out of the US healthcare system.
Maybe but that entirely ignores that capitalism has been marketing to them with commercials and coupon clubs for decades and that these products advertise themselves as things they are not because the government is in cahoots with the ag industry and happily deregulates so JBS can sell more meat to chinas growing demand. How can we over look this? How about the got milk campaign? sugar drink advertised as health food by the government for decades 67% of people are allergic to. More context there is that one particularly marginalized group of americans is 3-4x as likely to be allergic, so it isn't not a racial issue also.
I cook rice in a rice maker, and beans in a crock pot. It really doesn't get tougher. Like at some point it has to get put on a plate or in a bowl and then some would have to use tools like forks and spoons to get it into their mouths. Then there are the dishes, oh man who wants to wash dishes, think of all that time saved. /s
I bite my thumb at google
yeah, It's processed sugars like HFCS. It is not the same as sugar found in whole foods. Like cocaine is not the same as the plant it comes from.
ditch all the sugar drinks and drink plane old water, like out the toilet.
Rice and beans can be made in 1000 different ways. $1/lb uncooked.
Eating out is almost never a healthy option.
Healthy and expensive don't correlate in my outlook. I spend less eating better. Factor in not eating out and my pockets are fat, but not my ass.
cops are the next doopees of the market. All kinds of companies trying to become contractors with their dystopian surveillance products. Shit doesn't work, the companies lie that it does then refuses any kind of oversight. The cops don't care as long as they can brutalize people. Unfounded justification is plenty for these blue line bandits. Not like Geogroup or corecivic give a shit if people are guilty or not so long as they get paid to lock them up. 500k people are locked up in the US simply for being poor as is.
I was active in another platform for a specific older car. It was 5-6 of us who mostly spent time answering questions from people trying to keep their car running. Lots of detailed specific responses. Then the advertisers started to be offered user accounts that allowed them to spam post the whole platform. One in particular would post ads, they look like posts from a user though, every couple days, for a scanner that doesn't work for our cars. So I started calling these posts out as you can comment on them. I told the admin they can tell the marketers to fuck off or I am gone. No one to answer questions, no one is going to show up to ask them. They rather have advertiser pay them $30/mo to spam it than have it function. On lemmy, I mod this community now.