
joined 1 year ago

Most people using seated meditation are indoors. However there are quiet spots everywhere. Eventually anywhere.


  • Churches, temples, mosques
  • Libraries, public and civic areas
  • Benches, up trees, meadows

Just start somewhere …

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

A non existent practice creates non existent results. Same with most things.

The observing from outside. The duality is the first realisation. We are not our thoughts. Our thought are us. They create the sense of self.

The thoughts come from a variety of directions or arisings. The function of meditation is to initially slow this continual barrage of undisciplined mind and senses. To be aware of the nature of this very real situation and how it controls us, not the other way around.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is from my rasayana/alchemical journal


We have created the means of our own expression. The essence calls into being the means of production. Purification and refining leads to the right merging with what is left. Forgetting the eye dissolves the substance. The remembered material is non-existent.

The King remembered by the Queen, consumed in passion, dissolves.

First prise is coagulation, then dissolving. The goal of Light travelling in darkness is the same as Darkness in Light. Darkness in darkness is the eternal arriving.

The point of existence is multiple not singular. We have attended the revels, unravelled the mysteries, revealed knowledge and reveiled our understanding. Now the revels are alluded. One element has many natures. The white harte heralds what is dear to us. The secret unveiled is greater than the secret revealed.

Ignore the wise and attend the fool. The eternal circle is broken through creation. The formation in the receptacle ensures continuation. Create and grow what is not. Each element is pure. You will know when you do not need to understand.

From the mistakes of Our Science comes their seance science. We do not ignore our protégé as they forget their heritage. We have:

  • energy without source power without end substance from nowhere to somewhere

It is our knowledge which is completing. That beyond science will discard. To hour Science there is no end. The missing books of knowledge have never been lost.

Reduce the fuel to increase the age. That which struggles to be is perfected by effort. The fruit is better than the result. Create a stillness within the still. The undisturbed flame is uneffected by the storm. Now you are in your laboratory. Work towards efficiency not abundance. We will not reach our goal by moving forward.


Bowing and prostrations can be salutation, veneration, slow travel, healing exercise and meditation.

Most of us are aware of palms together and bowing.



The ultimate goal of meditation is constant attentive awareness, becoming enlightenment.

Takes an instance of time or a lifetime.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

There are several ways of meditating/learning together and it does encourage/inspire.


  • Second Life and other Virtual Realities have communal meditations
  • During lockdown Zoom hosted sits, popularised distance meditations
  • Many meditation apps, timers, mindfulness bells available etc

Zoom is a popular way of engaging in instruction on meditation and even online retreats https://amaravati.org/retreat-centre/online-retreats-general-information/

Too intense? Well here are some free books https://media.amaravati.org/dhamma-books

… audio teachings on meditation https://amaravati.org/teachings/meditation/


Deep in the cluster of the young deer herd is a dark deer. This Dear Friends is the protective layers of the mind/being. We can always go deeper.

How we do so depends on time, intention, previous experience, goals and so on …

If for example, speaking from experience, we practice the supposedly relaxing alternate nostril breathing in yoga and it makes us tense … Desist.

If we wish to avoid religion. Do so. Atheists can contemplate.

If Christian we can find practice that moves us inward in retreats, texts such as 'The Cloud of Unknowing' and exploring the great mystics https://andrewjtaggart.com/2021/05/18/the-cloud-of-unknowing-a-summary-for-mystics/

Going inward is finding the resources that gel and inspire the still small 'voice'. Noise we find anywhere and everywhere … https://stillsmallvoicetarot.com/card/the-hanged-man/

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

OK … How is it going?

Well after reading this https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-mastodon/

Was prompted to search again for RaspberryPi 4 to HDMI cable. No luck.

More searching for info required. She who dares, wines … or in my case whines …

Engage claws. Hold on tight …

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback guys. ❣️🫵🙏 I am calling my soul server OPERATION HORCRUX. Really in honour of the presently unfashionable Black Hat Death Eaters …

Obviously I hope in time to have several instances. Possibly on a quantum or organic neurone chip if available. Maybe in another dimension/dream world.🤩

But for now before I am overtaken by my dank side:😇

  • Have a raspberry pi 3 available, could not find the right cable for the pi 4
  • Trying to use my existing hardware for my first piece/peace/instance
  • Am plugged into home ethernet and a relatively fast fibre optic cable service

My next tasks: To prepare/format a micro SD card and find a one piece raspberry pi solution. Not sure if I want a Virtual Box/Machine solution. Probably a dedicated Pi Server would be best? I could then white list a savvy friend and MAYBE family … in which case would maybe start with a HTML page and passwords to be given out personally. Wot fun! (I iz such a computer nerd)🤗

Sadly only Herpo the Foul and Tom Riddle know how to make HorCrux. Fortunately I am not daunted by fantasy … 🤓😁🦞

My plan, no rush (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In time,

I hope to set up a tiny self hosted instance running on a Raspberry Pi. Containing my personal bubble of interests. In other words it will be my virtual cyber essence.

My cyber-sole/soul if you like, the best bits. Calling my Lemmy/Fediverse instance, Operation Horcrux.

IT is a dream. Expecto Patronum …


Good morning! Requires a good start.

For example here is an example of sitting into led physical and mental vitalisation. Great way to start the day in 15 minutes of positive awareness https://youtu.be/sQRG1M9PAys

I was pleased to welcome the day. Hope you find/know a favoured way to start …

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I saw Richard Stallman talking about GNU. The kids of Linus were running around the stage during the talk. That was the day I decided to be a penguin. My sort of freedom.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

If you have ever been cyber stalked, you may prefer to have anon avatars, names etc. Having been stalked I prefer to have the option.

Most of us are pretty innocuous but trolls, scam bots, agenda pusher, junk sellers, etc are not something I want …

Be safe.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

This early morning went for a walk around my local greenery. My first point of contact/awareness was the feet. Grounding and consciously trying to relax the feet in my beach shoes.

Amazed to find animals such as urban foxes and squirrels running away from me. That means either they or I or maybe both were stressed. Slowed my walking. Engaged diaphragmatic breathing.

Be present in your surroundings, is key.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It is needed for us up tights, angries, stressed and curious 😎


This morning, I tried to get into Sopuli, using Firefox on Puppy Linux.

Could I? No! It was rustating. I would say frustrating but I feel ironed out.

I do move between input hardware, so difficult to say what the issue was.

Sadly don't have the interest to chase it down. Just venting. Sorry!


Walking consciously and slowly can be done in various ways:

Walking occupies or focusses the physical attention and is often much easier meditation for those unable to sit still … https://www.mindful.org/daily-mindful-walking-practice/

A walk just clears the mind.

  • around sanctified ground, shrine, pagan maze, safe area, a room or hall, garden etc.
  • with a rosary, mala, prayer beads or just finger 'counting' using repetition of puja, prayers, mantra, zhikr, calming words
  • radiating a conscious quality, eg metta, good will, smile etc.

Stroll on!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Tried it, liked it. Glad it is still active. It uses much software I am familiar with. https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=slitaz

What browsers are used with it, can not remember?


Dear friends of the out breath,

Conscious breathing is a good practice. With daily meditation, eventually a natural, slow rhythm is likely to arise.

We can also as an act of focus, breathe in and out consciously. Tension reduction is possible very easily as a reminder.

I was almost holding my breath, shallow breathing to such an extent, that my well being/health was stifled.

Learn diaphragm breathing!




  • Mastodon could use the up down reddit style boost/like buttons
  • Just giving stylistic differences to services is less important (but end users love it) as it is easier to implement …
  • Certain aspects are a nightmare of complexity for end users, for example taking followers to new instances should be automatic, then give users the option to unsubscribe, downvote etc
  • User simplicity is the strength of the centralised twitter, reddit etc … until the content pushing/commercial payback of bubble bursting overvaluations …
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

what are you stroking? 🤣😉

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I will have to look up https://pleroma.social/ is that it?


who has sent invites?

I was thinking of sending out invites to my old Puppys (Puppy users) but I use Raspbian, Manjaro and [shield your eyes] even BSD derivative IOS … ☺️

Is we St Ignatius of GNU compatible? 🤔

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