
joined 9 months ago
[–] lightscription 18 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Very good point.

Settler colonial re(de)colonize colony USA!

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The "cable guy" / "fiber guy" is so dumb. The math and physics that went into making aerospace work was never inferior to cryptography and packets switching. What are they going to do with light speed? Look at World of Warcraft on a display instead of training for a real dog fight?

Air heads? Yeah, the Air Force has no knowledge of IT. What an idiot in a stupid city of made almost entirely of multimedia and e-commerce!

They are nothing like Bruno. They just care about the salary of the day for the slave-sheep. They do not care about the science or anything but digits on the ledger.

You know who makes the most in the capitalist system? It is not the CISO or sysadmin. It is not the Pentagon black budget mad scientist. All they should care about is good leadership skills for MBAs according to how they weight their priorities. How much does top secret military technology even translate into public sector business?

Do you think the minders will make them rich so they deserve all the women even though company management is who is making the real killing?

[–] lightscription 2 points 3 months ago

Anti- climate and pro- pollution legislation. The title is correct.

Nixon made the EPA. I think any reasonable person prefers clean air and water and environmental protections.

You must be someone who has the time and interest to read whole bills you didn't write with your staff yourself... When I get to it. But prima fascia, a hedge fund manager slashing protections doesn't sound good.

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago

Got 'em. It's who they are as a person, who they are really.

That's what they like. They refer to themselves and will pay in the after life for their sins.

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

$14 Trillion to Pentagon since Afghanistan

Surveillance and War Tech

  • Executive Order 12333
  • Section 215 and 702 Patriot Act
  • HSIN (DHS)

Big Tech and War Total Information Awareness

7,057 dead military post-911 30,187 suicides

432,093 direct civilian deaths 3.6-3.8 million related harmed 7.6 million child malnutrition

40℅ (increase to over half in next decades) of vets with lifetime disability

[–] lightscription 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago

There is a way they block access to humans with CAPTCHA. Even to government sites that should not be obstructed. Whatever X uses has impossible CAPTCHAs that don't add up. The Google CAPTCHAs go in an endless series that will keep you solving for hours. It doesn't matter if you are using VPN or tor. Never seen the one from cloudflare fail. But I think CAPTCHA has become another NSA chokepoint that needs to be open sourced.







submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by lightscription to c/activist_and_polemic_art

"Reflections on Peace and Justice" Evergreen State



submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by lightscription to c/activist_and_polemic_art

OLY - Evergreen State Library




Jacob Burck 1927


Robert Minor 1916

[–] lightscription 2 points 3 months ago

And the person who figured out how to stop being ripped off for ink just committed perjury actually in writing and landed himself in prison and will be tortured for the rest of his life and not be allowed to reproduce anywhere in the US sphere of influence because Homeland military-masonry says he violated IP.

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yes. They are all in on it and shameful at on all levels.

God protect those 34 victims. But at least they were adult women. That Boston FBI Hometownland enjoys little boys like the national local military "bike" Responders.

Homosexual fascism is still fascism. Maybe in Edgar's day that could fly, but not today. Government sex offenders that abuse their authority do not represent the People.

FBI sexual harassment of young students

Homeland tried to drunk rape a woman

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

But it is really all the Banister Complex nuclear weapons guy because Missouri Grand Lodge wife steals and then Tiberian genocides their victim globally.

Enslavingmasons are dumb as a rock, you ask, because they are low stone work? Well, if you are autistic and don't understand words in context or deliberately negatively misinterpret ("dicking") everything exactly like they do themselves, then yes. The Lodge and Station are cognitive disorders like autism and OCD. They are also Obsessive Compulsive. Notice how they endlessly repeat the same bullshit over and over like no living natural human would except someone diseased with OCD. The enslavingmasons are not rich and intelligent, they are autistic OCDs with slavesheep comms endlessly bitching their autojack self-f*ck, leading-off with slaves for their inane stone stack which retards all progress and the future of humanity just so they can have their status quo of chattel appendages.


OLY - Evergreen

[–] lightscription 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

plain clothes hate group calling people "pussies" (because not enough foreigners--many innocent women and children--were murdered like the "brave" military responders who have to be respected for being complete assholes everywhere in reality contrary to the s myth) and then calling pro-BLM people the N-word

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