Outstanding Critics of Tech

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Critiques and analysis of the status quo are welcomed here. No critical engagement with contemporary society is off limits for discussion, but modern technological developments are positioned front and center.

Below are a few links that may serve as a common point of departure and stimulate discourse. Scroll to the bibliography at the end of writing if you prefer since the work of prominent authors may be familiar to more people.

Critics of Tech --> https://drive.proton.me/urls/BWAHNAG2D4#E3WDW2FzlxOF

On the Anthropocene --> https://drive.proton.me/urls/BZ1CBRWMNG#q8xgnFxv41cq

There are also several scientific and technical articles which bring up projects like DARPA's "Radiobio" program, FOIA info on DEWs, and Full Spectrum Dominance and EMF technologies.

Looking forward to hearing from you and learning more from discussing a variety of topics in critical theory.

founded 9 months ago
Tech books (fyi cross-post) (self.critics_of_tech)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech

Interesting research about Soviet Science, including biomagnetism


above, notes from The Federalist Papers Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton

The Rights of Man and Common Sense, Thomas Paine

RADHAZ (ieeexplore.ieee.org)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Studies from Becker (self.critics_of_tech)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech

R. G. Olsen J. D. Grissett

R. S. Gibson W. F. Moroney - Pensacola aerospace microwave laboratory "electromagnetic arsenal"


Relatively brief, excellent paper by Gunther Anders.

ELFs, PEFs, and RadioBio (drive.proton.me)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech

As you might expect, much of this research and development are products of the “military-industrial-scientific” (or –academic) complex, to redeploy the confident pre-Killian Eisenhower phrase. The view of human bodies as shivering with the “xenosonic resonance of meat puppets” (Goodman, 2019: 2) finds its expression in a DOD document, the “Application of Biology to Defense Applications,” that pursues “technology to enable remote interrogation and control of biological systems at the system/organ/tissue/cellular/molecular levels” through the interface of biology and magnetics (Moreno, 2012: 100). In addition, continuing the legacy of ARPA program 562 (Walter Reed’s Pandora Project), DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office began a research program in 2017 called RadioBio that investigates “electromagnetic signaling in biosystems” and searches for “biosystem antennas.” As James C. Lin, a leader in this field writes, “the possibilities and potential applications in data transfer, information delivery, and communication for command and control are enormous, once the bioelectromagnetic mechanisms for weak cell-to-cell signaling and communication in living organism are harnessed” (2018: 49). The Airforce Research Lab’s Human Effects Directorate has also designed “brain-targeted, performance degrading techniques” in conjunction with the USAF Radio Frequency Bioeffects Division which develops “malign neruomodulators” and “advanced neuroweapons” (Moreno 2012; 178). The Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI) has produced Biological Detection Systems for Electromagnetic Signatures. The Air Force Office of Science and Research (AFOSR) has been working “on in-depth mechanistic research of the intersection of nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) with living organisms, and the development of targeted simulation procedures and processes” (Lin 2018; 51). Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) and Electronic Warfare (EW) are certainly a domain of situational awareness for the military if not yet for civil society (Price, 2001; Knowles, 1996; Scarry, 1998).
Techniques of remote influence like the use of electromagnetic fields and psychological warfare have long been of interest to the Executive function in societies (the forcers: defense, law enforcement, intelligence community), those who possess the monopoly on violence. Augmenting structural violence, unattributable information operations, passive aggressive forms of violence, and information warfare (IW) are so successful because they remain unconfirmed, shrouded in the seemingly preposterous and plausible deniability. AUDINT references the work of Suzanne Treister as an example of a researcher who has mapped the “military-occult complex” (psi Ψ) that invented many of these more clandestine forms of violence (2019: 166). Considered are real programs, such as CIA’s Project Stargate and psychotronics research. The Macy Conferences on cybernetics and social psychology were also an important subject of her research (Treister 2007). Human beings are viewed as manipulable, completely malleable “amoebas” in which nothing inheres and it is only a question of designing the right cybernetic circuit for social control. Literally winning the hearts and minds; one day if not already, space-based masers ping (pang) sino-atrial nodes and pulse nervous ganglia. Other scientists like Burris-Meyer who was under a Navy contract to investigate “the physiological and psychological effects of sound on men in warfare” are also a part of this history of waveform warfare (2019: 260). D. R. Hooker conducted research at Sandy Hook Naval Base examining the percussive effects of sound (2019: 266). Harvey Fletcher, working for Bell Labs, developed techniques for the Ghost Army, which was “the ultimate martial expression of Einstein’s theory of ‘spooky action at a distance’” (2019: 261).
Another leading researcher, Don R. Justesen (1975), explored the effect of microwaves on behavior for the VA Laboratories of Experimental Neuropsychology. At the time, sensors lacked sensitivity and pulse generators lacked field strength. This is no longer the case: “microwave signals are radiated by living things. . . Superconducting quantum interference detection (SQUID) techniques routinely detect magnetic signals from the brain, the heart, and other endogenous current sources” (Liboff, 2004: 46). It is completely legitimate to view “the living system as an electromagnetic entity, with the response of the system to a given electric or magnetic signal as an outcome expected on the basis of physical law” (Liboff, 2004: 42). In “A Human source for ELF magnetic perturbations,” Liboff (2016) writes that “endogenous weak extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields are generated by ionic charge flows in axions, dendrites and synaptic transmitters.” We might wonder, then, how endogenous ELF is may be effected by powerful ELF arrays that exist in places like Clam Lake, WI and Jim Creek, WA to communicate with submarines worldwide. The scientific reality of detecting magnetic anomalies at great distances and the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body cannot be dismissed (Harbinger 2016). Gamma oscillators in the brain and other “electromagnetic characteristics of living things may therefore allow for direct communication between individuals other than by means of the relatively recent evolutionary development of speech” (Liboff, 2004: 46).
Research in this domain of inquiry continues to advance. For example, Stefan Engström researches neuromagnetics and “magnetic field transduction in biological systems” (1999). Polina Anikeeva researches wireless magneto-thermal stimulation and the “remote neural excitation through the activation of the heat-sensitive capsaicin receptor TRPV1 by magnetic nanoparticles” (Rao, 2019). The bidirectional electromagnetic control of the hypothalamus and the potential of pulsed electromagnetic fields to cause venous thromboembolism has been documented by researchers such as Lui Huifeng. Electromagnetic fields act upon feratin, a paramagnetic protein. Fadel Adib utilizes radio reflectors to detect breathing and heart rate and even emotion can be recognized using wireless signals (2016). Neuroscientist Michael A. Wheeler has concluded that the magnetic control of the nervous system is not only theoretical. Quantum effects also are just as much a reality in the brain as they are a reality in transistors. For example, the quantum and electromagnetic properties of cryptochromes may explain migratory avian spatial orientation and routing, as explored by the University of Illinois magnetic sensing theoretical and computational biophysics group. Experiments involving “low intensity radio frequency radiation” indicate that the “magnetic field would lead to modulation of the bird’s visual sense” and these same quantum pair effects on signaling proteins can also effect humans (2010). Researchers have also proposed that a solution to the hard problem of consciousness may be the properties of quantum entangled microtubules (Penrose and Hameroff, 1998). The IQOQI Zellinger group, active today, explores the intersection of quantum science and biology. A plethora of examples of this type of scientific research could be cited.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Thermonuclear Monarchy (english.fas.harvard.edu)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Mind Wars (Moreno) (hss.sas.upenn.edu)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Project Xanadu (www.xanadu.com)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Technics and Civilization (www.libraryofsocialscience.com)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Rebels Against the Future (centerforneweconomics.org)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
The Anthropocene (Taussig) (press.uchicago.edu)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Prometheanism (Anders) (researchers.mq.edu.au)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
The Body Electric (www.harpercollins.com)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech

Robert O. Becker

Real Utopias (www.versobooks.com)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Top Secret America (www.washingtonpost.com)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
David Graeber (davidgraeber.org)
submitted 9 months ago by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
Anti-Oedipus (Deleuze) (en.wikipedia.org)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lightscription to c/critics_of_tech
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