US Police (internal military) spending close to equivalent to cost of entire Chinese military.
What positive benefit do we get in return for spending Billions to attack ourselves with the internal military?
Mozi sat is such a cool idea.
Quantum entropy might even defeat timewave...
Trooper sex crimes
Police molest 13 month old
cop is a rapist
cop sexually abuses homeless
cop sex tortured victim
Just "salamandered" when other people have tuck at my expense. According to Brown University Watson data, flip a quarter pretty much and you are disabled after your tour. So they are going to grow limbs back by giving other people resources to take their sense of diabled vet entitlement, I guess.
So you are not involuntary? Just fem on a cell. That maybe the misunderstanding.
Vanguards works well in Whonix GW most of the time but similar situation as TBB on maximum security settings which reduces functionality beyond text. But there isn't much of an internet for most people without multimedia and images, nix the js - so crypto, messaging, data trasfers like Pidgin and Electum Wallet better suited)
Government (Lodge & Station): their tots, you can't have!
"Wat" which part? The part where they define fitness with the same rubber stamp everyone else got (and later say the tests that were passed weren't while statistically you can flip a quarter on exit and be disabled by war and made unfit by war instead of coming out a perfect specimen) or the part where the nature of warfare has changed since trenches and reliance on infantry and where they now have trillions of dollars of high tech weaponry China paid for with bonds?
We were all meant to reproduce; that is the imperative of the organism. That is why everything really does revolve around sexuality. It is not our fault we are incel. It's them! It's their fault they are a genocidal hate group denying all potential for growth and opportunity to human beings that won't bow to their authoritarian caste system.
Wouldn't you agree?
You didn't "fit" into their social status stratified, rigid hierarchy breeding program.
But you look pretty cute to me! ; )
Watch out, though, you may start to yearn for progeny after your bioclock gets smothered by too much caste system oppression...
And might I suggest another search engine? They're getting data, which is a zero sum game to them.
Tons of sexual violence in the military like the wife-beater internal military (Responders domestic violence perps)