The electorate is unlucky. If the voters are so talented and fit, why is the country so shit?
They are trillions in debt. They are not good at math.
Everything run by a mathlete coder in their twenties is a bad idea. The Internet could have been built differently. They probably take it as a non-artificial given. Leadership takes vision. Leadership is about values, not specialized expertise.
They are Lord of the Flies assholes on speed being told they are God by Thiel because Agents like them younger.
At the end of days, enslavingMasonic surveillance is about discovering what they can extract from you. Rob you of your wife for life? Yes. Make your livelihood as ennervating, disempowering, precarious, and perilous as possible? Yes. Could you have done more for your family and community without these soul-parasites? Yes.
The US is over 30 Trillion dollars in debt hemorrhage deficit so that these dumb gunmen can dunk doughnuts while we all have to pay for the labor camps with money we don't have. Look at all the pie they glut themselves with. For what? For their egos of waste. For their shit self. For the floozies to get turned on by their guns.
Trooper-Homeland is some kind of stupid. They have a cognitive deficit. Maybe they used too many microwaves on themselves. Maybe it was poison. Anyway, they're not intelligent enough for indoctrination camps (back to "school" with slave sheep) so they will continue to rape our kids and take ten years to do their jobs and convict themselves. I've seen the cases. Make sense of a world with these facts:
Some people have already won multiple times over bugetarily. What does a two year degree and a certificate cost? But the Pentagon and Gunmen of the State have had trillions in waste, fraud, and abuse to lie and attack the innocent while raping our kids and use the scientific intelligence of others to bolster their cognitive deficit. Totally counterproductive, anti-work, destructive fools!
To be Klan? No. That's why you won't tell me if you were. Hate groups are not going to identify themselves. Actual reality isn't as easy as a news story makes it appear. Smoking guns are few when it comes to cunning activities.
If you look at the sidebar, it gives you context.
I still want to be able to hear from people freely expressing themselves in a variety of modes on the internet without the Ministry of Info DHS now has, for example. Who is in control of the narrative? We will never know anything but what they dictate to us if people aren't able to speak freely.
All the cops were Nazis in the Reich. Nazis were hung at Nuremberg. Would you want Nazis telling you what you could think if you had a choice?
I am going to provide more info. Still working on this photo essay.
There is a nexus of paramilitaries, secret society pageantry, and Law Enforcement and government on all levels doing harm to US citizens extrajudicially nationwide. I can supply proof.
I have already explained what is going on here. Look around before commenting next time. Is this the AP? The AP can't do a story about secret societies. What would you do if you were being harassed by a clandestine hate group? They are not going to tell you their names. Do the Russians and Chinese attribute themselves? No. The FBI just plays beer pong until someone provides their own name and a confession. Are there Secret Societies in the US? Don't think Scull and Bones exists? Don't think dirty cops do very bad things? Grow up.
This community is art. Art is truth. Most live lives of lies.
Can you handle the truth? If not, no need to comment. Otherwise, enjoy.
Here are just the facts if you don't like this stylistic mode of expression:
Apparently there are things you just don't know.
Could explain it to you, but it takes time. In the mood to be read in? Probably not. Probably you are just a detractor who already knows you are guilty so you have to damage my cred.
Pattern recognition is not insanity.
Lying to a Federal Agent is a serious offense. This is the New New Scotland Yard. Lying is even worse.
Are you Klan?
Forza hategroup
Prepare the terminate!