
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 38 minutes ago (2 children)

Getting home at midnight and realising I haven’t eaten and have no food in…

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Guide was making a lot of sense, then suddenly I fired someone??

[–] [email protected] 20 points 22 hours ago (20 children)

Will that achieve anything?

People know the effects, people see the effects, people don’t care.

Just seems like a silly outdated idea. Isn’t it well established that the best way to stop people from buying stuff like this is plain white packaging and advertising restrictions?

[–] [email protected] 235 points 1 day ago (9 children)

I actually know the differences between Asian languages just so that I can be better at racism.

I take it very seriously.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago

If it’s any consolation, I just use bitcoin to convert to Monero to buy drugs. So in a way there is an actual use for it 😊

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Yeah, spelling is just one form of intelligence.

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks it’s worth bragging about though, there are so many forms of intelligence/talent that are far more valuable than spelling.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (7 children)

Was hoping we could leave the pedantic, snarky replies at Reddit.

It’s the internet, who gives a fuck about someone’s spelling…

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (3 children)

The point I’m trying to make is that despite the good stuff they may do, it’s overshadowed by the dumb shit that’s turning people against the cause.

Those actions didn’t achieve much, and I’d say anything they did achieve has been undone by their other antics.

Do you know anyone who has been convinced by JSO to take more action against climate change? It’s only people who are already onboard cheering them on.

I know a few people who have become more anti green because of JSO, and general consensus among anyone I know is that JSO is doing more harm than good.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 4 days ago (23 children)

I do question the awareness they’re raising tho, it’s not getting people on their side. It’s not. Full stop.

It’s pushing people away and distracting from the actual issue. People liked the private jet attack, people fucking loathed the stone henge stunt.

Just stop oil is a news topic for Talk TV and GB news to make people hate the idea of protecting the environment, and it’s working.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago

That’s actually a good rule of thumb for every scenario in life.


I just don't get how Lemmy is going to act as a proper replacement for Reddit.

I understand the basic concept of Lemmy and the Fediverse, and people are touting the concept of it being federated and not centrally controlled, but it is an absolute mess and nobody seems to have an idea about what to do with it.

How are communities going to grow if there isn't at least some form of central management. Other than there being an underlying framework that connects the servers, they're all just doing what they want.

Outside of the underlying framework, there's no 'guidelines' or consistency. The servers have random names, and the main is telling people to register elsewhere.

How is this going to bring in a wider audience if people are being directed to,, or

What is the purpose of the Fediverse when forums for niche interests already exist on the internet?

Does it make sense to have something like a 'sports' server that has communities for soccer, NFL, basketball, MMA? But then how do you get a consistent naming scheme that lets people know it's part of the fediverse?

Maybe Lemmy could work as a replacement, but it seems like it needs a 'flagship' server with a group of people maintaining it to set an example. Then other servers that cover more specific areas, such as sports, can be set up and potentially work closely with that flagship group.

If this doesn't happen, then I can't see how this doesn't just fizzle out.

P.S. I've also compared two different Lemmy servers and looked at the same post in a community, and there are different numbers of comments on each where they haven't synced up...

I also wanted to post this to the main Lemmy community, but as I had to register via a different server, I'm not able to access that community from the server I'm using for some reason...

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