I have not read it but it looks interesting. So far Change your Diet is pretty informative. The author did an interview with Dr. Ken Berry on youtube where she goes into what made her write it and the research she did. The interview is worth watching. Getting rid of ultra-processed food has done wonders for my physical and mental health.
time to move back to pale moon? is that still a thing?
keepass plus syncthing works well for me. I sync between linux, android, windows.
Change your Diet, Change your Mind. by Georgia Ede, MD. How ultra processed foods damage your brain. and 50 Reasons People give for Believing in God. by Guy P. Harrison. After years of interviews, the top 50 reasons people give for religious beliefs.
I've been happy with mailbox.org. I left proton after the boot licking. I had been a paying customer for years.
I have 2 citi accounts. if they cave, I'm closing them and telling them why. not that they would care but still. I'll take the hit to my credit score. not like it's going to matter in the future anyway.
I switched to Linux Mint. But when my phone gives up the ghost, I may buy an iphone.
it's going to take a much larger blackout. No one will notice one day. it's a start I guess but it's not going to accomplish anything. I've ditched amazon, walmart, target, etc,.. Buy local or even better, don't buy at all. You don't need the latest shiny distraction. vote with your wallet.
I love jellyfin! I've been using it for a few years and it has definitely gotten better. Every once in a while, it will incorrectly detect a show and I'll have to manually add it. Usually on obscure or older shows and movies.
freetube for windows and linux. newpipe for android.
I cancelled everything. Amazon, Walmart, Netflix, ect... I have a costco account and I shop local when I can. Learn to sew and fix your clothes. Maintain an older car instead of buying new. Vote with your wallet. The only power we have is our money.
I'm boycotting everything. Shopping local if I have to have something. Cash only. I only carry my bank card and one credit card for emergencies.