Blaming Person B is a distraction to the fact that their simping for Person A. Now we're all arguing over Person B instead of Person A. Like I said, just loooove it.
I really love the playbook of Person A does something reprehensible, so of course Person B is to blame. Just looove it.
One of the best shows, I loved Dark.
Blade Runner: Black Lotus, love some cyberpunk in these trying times
I got it marked on my calendar, March 14th: "Hitler got rid of democracy in 53 days".
I also have marked March 15: Ides of March
That's assuming we have fair elections, or even elections at all. Look at how much his people have done in a month, think they won't get around to completely rigging elections by the 2nd year mark for midterms, or 4th year mark for presidency? This won't stop until people literally fight back. Protests won't do a damn thing.
ahem, Spanish Influation
Keep in mind all the horrible things you will be missing this administration do, while everyone is excitedly talking about whatever gets released.... There's a reason they 'found' these things in the first place, and why they said they will release whatever they found. Gotta keep everyone distracted.
Don't catch you slippin' now
"If I become president again I will take over the country, become dictator on day 1, cut healthcare and social support programs and also just start murdering people because I can."
Trump gets elected:
shocked pikachu face
That, and stealing tax payer money.