You preach to the choir. Did you read my disclaimer? This is what I confront every day. It's what the Trump supporters say. I posted a few of your comments to the local social media. Wow. What a shitstorm. These are some of the replies:
Free Needles: "Let the f***** die then. Good riddance." (Yep, sounds like what Trump allegedly said)
Shoplifting: "Did you see the video of the Nordstrom robbery? Poor people don't drive nice cars." "...bring back the poorhouse" [this is a 19th century workhouse or farm where indigents were required to work] "I work at Sephora. It's entitled teenagers who steal and they are not poor." "I work the door at Walmart. People are stealing necessities. They're stealing things they can trade for drugs."
Catalytic Converter Theft: "Dude, I run [the local salvage yard]. Guy showed up last month trying to sell me a trunk load of catalytic converters. Called the cops, and they arrested him. He lives on ****** in a big house. Yeah, it's his." (I checked this against local arrest records. A man was arrested at the location of the yard for felony theft. Looking up his name in the county property records which indicate he does indeed own a house at the address given.)
Guns (this was the biggest response): "Bet this guy never lived in the country." "...he probably thinks it only takes one shot to put down a bear. LOL" "You've read about my neighbor. Got in a gunfight with two guys trying to steal his cattle. Good thing he packs an AR." "Who the heck is this guy? I can tell you one thing. He's never served on active duty in a warzone. In Afghanistan it took over 300 rounds to put down two bad guys."
There are a lot more, but my fingers are getting tired. You can see what I'm up against. Can't say that I'm against the gun comments. I've had to track a deer almost 2 miles after I shot it. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Go watch some of those Brazilian shooting videos. Guy getting plowed by pistol shots, his severed carotid artery is decorating the walls, and he still manages to kill the security guard and run out of the bank before dropping dead in the street. There's a reason the cops shoot until the suspect stops moving. Armed people are dangerous until you hit something vital, like the brain or heart. Also, you can be a great target shooter until the target starts shooting back. Learned that's true from playing paintball with only eye protection. When pain avoidance kicks in, aim goes out the window.
But I'm sure you've heard all the justifications for gun ownership. Personally, I think we have a long way to go before any bans. How about mandatory psychiatric testing, particularly anger management? Release of all prior medical history, including psychiatric episodes? Making owners responsible for crimes committed by their unsecured guns? But the biggest one to prevent mass shootings - gotta prove you have at least 3 others who call you "friend". Almost every mass shooter was a loner. Don't hit us gun owners with another "one-size-fits-all". Because if Trump is assassinated, I need my gun for the civil unrest (maybe war) that will shortly follow. Laws mean nothing under those conditions, and I'm a marked man.
Wait...isn't Belarus a Russian ally? And Shaheds are used by the Russians. Why would Belarus want to intercept Shaheds?