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[–] lemmefixdat4u 4 points 1 month ago

Could the slot fit this accessory?


[–] lemmefixdat4u 1 points 1 month ago

It would no longer be the world-view destroying event that it would have have been 100 years ago. The moment someone came up with the idea of a matter-energy transporter, we had the idea of how someone could come back from the dead. Today we know exactly how it would be done - we just lack the technology.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 1 points 2 months ago

Article says $20. Lawyers get $23 million.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 4 points 2 months ago

Why not just buy a sensor without the IR filter? They aren't expensive. Or use an HD security camera that doesn't have one? If you remove the filter from a phone's camera, normal picture quality will suffer.

[–] lemmefixdat4u -1 points 2 months ago

We are not British. I know it's hard for those in other countries with strong gun laws to understand. If you can fathom why women would put up with Sharia law, you might also be able to grasp why so many Americans embrace guns. It's ingrained in our culture.

Many Americans worry that the government will incrementally take away the right to private ownership of firearms. That's why these printed guns exist. If it's impossible to prevent a person from obtaining a firearm, the argument that a ban only affects those willing to follow the law becomes stronger. Unless the intent exists to restrict the tools that can make a weapon, there will be those willing to make them clandestinely - either for personal use or for profit.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Guns like these are why gun control will fail to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who can afford a $500 3D printer and a $300 hobby metal lathe. While the model being discussed used some commercial parts, possessing these two tools allows a person to produce everything needed for a functioning multi-shot lethal weapon.

Instead of a futile effort to deprive people of weapons, we should instead concentrate on preventing, detecting, and treating the conditions that lead to gun violence.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I don't think most people realize how dependent we are on undocumented workers. Wait until it becomes illegal to hire them and INS roundups start again. Then the carwash price goes up, the daycare closes, or the landscaper goes missing. Maybe the snow doesn't get plowed or the restaurant prices go up because they can't find cheap kitchen help. Construction-related companies will be decimated, and the cost of home repairs/remodeling will skyrocket. In my area, electric rates will increase because half of the crews that keep the vegetation trimmed back from the power lines are undocumented.

They'll come for the employed undocumented workers first, because they can make it illegal to hire them, just like it used to be 50 years ago. No green card, no work.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 2 points 3 months ago

I also find their "discoveries" more interesting than a treasure that I find improbable. If they actually find solid evidence that the Money Pit is a human construction, it begs the question of why pre-industrial people would spend the resources to create it.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

By the earliest accounts, McGinness (and the original "kids") gave up after digging 30 feet. It wasn't until the Onslow group that they excavated down to 90 feet.

I would accept that the original pit was a natural sinkhole except for the coconut fiber evidence. As we all know, palm trees don't grow in that region. Coconut fiber, called coir, was a common trade item because it was used like hemp. Common applications were rope, mattress stuffing, and matting. It can also be mixed with pitch to make a substitute for oakum - a common material used to waterproof ships hulls.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 3 points 3 months ago

Damn. That would be me!

[–] lemmefixdat4u 115 points 4 months ago (5 children)

My GF worked for a thrift shop, and when I picked her up after work she was admiring a 2 foot statue of Venus that had just been donated. So I bought it for her. That evening she was cleaning it up and noticed the wooden box at the foot of the figurine was hinged, but locked. I opened it with a bent paper clip and inside was a bag containing - a butt plug and anal beads. Then we figured out that if you twisted the head, it pulled a dildo out of the body.

[–] lemmefixdat4u 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Calzones, meat pies, focaccia, and any of the various flatbreads with toppings from cultures around the world. A meat and cheese quesadilla with salsa on top is essentially a thin crust pizza before it's folded.


My friend is a customer service rep who is ready to retire. Her company is talking about layoffs with 13+ weeks of severance, but when she asked (anonymously) if they were accepting volunteers, they said no. In case she's not one of the ones told to clean out her desk, what are the ways she could get terminated while preserving her ability to claim unemployment (which would equal the 13 weeks of severance)?

UPDATE: She took my advice and saw her doctor. He agreed that she's experiencing a job-related stress injury, set her up with a Disability claim, and referred her for psychiatric counseling.

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