Why did the first line have to mention Apple? Just why? Their maps are pretty much the same OpenStreetMap data but with a few novelty features.
Ready to impress you with his rod of facts and logic
Yeah, sorry if I came out harsh. In all honesty I am just frustrated by the incredible growth of Apple. It really confuses me how with such a tight ecosystem and anti-consumer practices they have managed to attain such mindshare that it's not even funny. And I am saying all that despite this very comment being sent out of an iPhone.
Not much of a surprise, at least to me. Granted, my knowledge of the place is limited, but from what I've heard they really care about symbols of status (Fancy watches, jewelry, and, of course, expensive phones). Add that to the fact that kids nowdays aren't as patriotic (a good thing imo) and care less about local brands and the fact that tech literacy is not great either... Well it puts thing in perspective.
Now imagine how many people are sticking with Reddit 😭
anyone know the artist?
boo hoo