
joined 6 months ago
[–] latenightnoir 3 points 6 days ago

Hey, riiight! Remember aliens?! Feels like a lifetime ago!

[–] latenightnoir 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

What the hell, the dead are at best a sack of meat and at worst a pile of bones. Ooooh, I think I now see the rational mechanisms behind statements such as this and "a couple of random cells are a human being" are the same, as in there are none...

Also, that's a tombstone, ma'am...

[–] latenightnoir 3 points 6 days ago

Nono, it's better this way! At least this way it's not yet another toxic pseudo-romantic situationship for me. I'm good with being frenemies.

[–] latenightnoir 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Surely, this is some sort of twisted joke, right? I can't believe anybody could be this cartoonishly villainous and/or obliviously stupid as to genuinely elect RFK to be the Minister of Health, ffs...

[–] latenightnoir 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Help, help! Commies are trying to improve my sex life!

[–] latenightnoir -1 points 1 week ago

If you're talking about AGI, potentially any form of art would be at its grasp, maybe even some which may not necessarily look like art to us.

If you're talking about the generative models of today, they are incapable of producing art, because they are incapable of emotional intent and expression.

Even Warhol was driven by disdain, and the ironically arty bit was how sort of stripped of art his art was as a result of his disdain.

[–] latenightnoir 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That's a very good point, and SteamOS pretty much proves it - newness is less scary with a guide.

It's what the monoliths do as well, though their 'tutorials' are mostly covered by just how railroaded the user is by all of the limitations.

Heck, took me a while to get on Lemmy when thinking about looking up then subbing to familiar communities, but then I found a list with links to equivalents for most of the ol' Reddit stomping grounds, so it was just a matter of signing up then clicking through several hyperlinks, which was significantly easier! Took about 15 minutes to be back at doomscrolling.

[–] latenightnoir 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This was my exact thinking the moment I realised I, yet again, needed a GPU upgrade (thanks, Unreal 5...). Which is why I seared my soul and dished for a 4080 Super, with the hopes that I'll be covered for a decade at least. The 40s at least seem to still be built mainly for pretty pictures.

Genuinely not worth paying attention to this nonsense. Maybe - MAYBE - AMD will pull a Comrade and will shift full focus on creating genuinely good and progressively better GPUs, meant for friggin' graphics processing and not this "AI" tumor. But that's a big-ass "maybe."

[–] latenightnoir 0 points 1 week ago

Can't argue with that, the concept of Reincarnation is my biggest nightmare. I'd rather do zombie outbreak than that one...

[–] latenightnoir 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Very true! I mean, sure, maybe Microsoft and Apple win in terms of eye candy elements present in their software, but a bigger effects budget doesn't fix a bad script - Linux and even Ubuntu are several orders of magnitude more versatile than either Windows or MacOS. And this is just OS-wise, there's a metric truckload of open source apps which blow the 'officials' out of the water entirely!

Humanity is clearly geared toward collaborative survival and evolution, every single genuinely decentralised thing which is not driven by profit feels so much more Real and human than the market-borne alternatives.

[–] latenightnoir 2 points 1 week ago

What the fuck, Elon...

[–] latenightnoir 3 points 1 week ago

Is F(e)rg trans-dimensional? That's a clear min-maxing trajectory if so:-?

submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music
Bambara - Serafina (
submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music

One can dream...

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by latenightnoir to c/vent

As I see it, these are the options we now have at this moment, November 2024.

I won't be talking in terms of nations, or organisations, or even political groupings when I will use "we" in the subsequent meltdown, I use it to refer to the entirety of this species. In addition, I'm coming at this with a very limited knowledge base, but a 100% open mind. Please do correct or clarify absolutely any subsequent element, and I genuinely thank you for the truth!

As it stands right now, the situation's grim. We just lost America, and while America isn't the entire world, it's big enough for Trump to be a major dent for all of us, especially for the Left's chances of turning this whole dumpster fire around. At this point, American siblings, these are the only options left to us.

I'm Balkan. We replaced Communism/Socialism with corruption of such profundity, that with the settling blanket of Fascism, the only sane and safe option is to start from scratch here as well. I'm not even going to mention the regressive state of social politics in most countries around here, and the situation's clear.

The EU is fighting back hard, but it's already started to lean farther and farther Right as the more powerful members shift Right. I don't see much hope for the EU to become a Socialist Bastion any more than I expect Putin to retreat and pay for all damages tomorrow.

Speaking of Putin, that's plenty said about Putin. I am reticent in saying Russia, because so many people in that country don't even have room to form an opinion about what's happening. But seeing mounted Riot Police units trampling peaceful protesters in the opening days made everything clear.

China is becoming very scary. Many cat owners will understand what I mean when I say China's giving off the same vibe as a cat who's really had enough of your attention and is mentally preparing to sink some claws in you.

I don't know much about where Japan's looking nowadays, I shamefully admit, but I hope you guys aren't having too rough a go at it.

South America is unfolding as the political mess seeded by the CIA, and things will most likely only get harder and harder there as Trump advances.

Canada ain't doing too hot, either, from what I've read about things.

The UK is doing an award-worthy cosplay of 1984, but with way more racism.

Africa is pretty much at war with itself, thanks, gunrunners!

And then there's the genocidal elephant in the room... I... I don't even want to expand upon that, we all know exactly what's going on there, and if anyone says otherwise, then you're way ahead of me on the "swallow it all down" path. Bet it tastes like shit, you go ahead and enjoy that, though.

And to top it all off, the planet continues to burn. Yay.

So, yeah... What else is there? How much worse does it have to get? And what the fuck are we going to do about it? Yes, I'm asking you, wherever you are, you, the one who understands exactly what I'm saying and wants to see fairer days for absolutely everyone and everything alive around here.

What can I do when everyone - and I mean EVERYONE around me just wants to drown it all out and go to bed, only admitting the situation in those brief moments of pure awareness right before falling asleep, wishing the world would collapse after their eyes are closed and spare us of the need to look at the mess.

Phantogram - Funeral Pyre (
submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music

Sorry about the unorthodox link, Soundclound's offering is region-locked, the Bandcamp version I owned is apparently no longer in their database, and the music video is age restricted on YT...

Leaving the music video here though, I find it really fits the song.

submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music
submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music
Cave - Butthash (
submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music

Couldn't find any other source for this version - it's off California Raisins which, afaik, exists solely in vinyl form at this point. Officially, at least.

submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music
submitted 2 months ago by latenightnoir to c/music

Double-checked, it's universally accessible. Sorry again...

Andy Stott - Versi (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by latenightnoir to c/music

Updated source link, thank you again!

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