Is it? Fortnite is closed-source and owned by Epic. If Epic doesn't want it on Linux there's not much anyone can do. IMO there are plenty of valid criticisms of desktop Linux, but this ain't it.
Is this satire?
IMO I'd much rather a MC be 'irredeemable trash' or even a boring Kirito clone than be actively annoying. I dropped Black Clover in large part because of how obnoxious Asta was, and I don't think a MC can do much worse than causing someone to drop their show.
I've got a big soft spot for DitF so I wouldn't say Hiro. I could definitely be convinced of Kazuya tho, and would also like to submit Asta from Black Clover for consideration.
"Americans as coffee-swilling boors who make tea, if at all, in the microwave"
I've never felt so seen.
I, for one, welcome our new AI cat girl overlords.
Say it with me everybody, 'Correlation does not equal causation.'
Ukraine turned into a quagmire and got boring. We're going back to doing what we do best: killing brown people in the Middle East.
I think this was Pasadena Texas, not Pasadena California.
Hmm, I seem to recall US Intelligence swearing that Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs and was definitely about to use them on his own people and we definitely needed to invade Iraq to stop him. US Intelligence is not a fact or truth seeking operation; its purpose is to further American imperial interests all else be damned.
- Fasnacht Day - A Pennsylvania Dutch holiday on the day before Lent in which you use all your sugar, fat, and oil to make fasnachts (doughnuts) before fasting for Lent. Essentially a holiday for doughnuts. The images on Wikipedia are scuffed as hell and homemade fasnachts are really good. Maybe the Lemming (Lemmy?) could be in the shape of a doughnut.
- Oilfield Prayer Day - Celebrated in Oklahoma on October 13 as a day for all faiths to "thank God for the blessings created by the oil and natural gas industry and to seek His wisdom and ask for protection” according to OK Governor Mary Fallin. Personally I celebrate by buying 10-20 gallons of gas and pouring it down the nearest storm drain to do my part for the oil industry. /s Set Lemmy on fire.
Maybe "Does anyone know where the second big cutting board is?"