Half cola half orange juice, it's amazing
You can strip people not born in the country of citizenship. You say it will be used against innocents? Its already happening against innocents you restrict the law, It would be worse under the far right. You dont just sit back and let something bad happen when you can do something to stop it.
And that's the exact attitude that lets him get away with it. Create some laws. Designate him a foreign bad actor and arrest people who talk with him. The far right would have no qualms about doing the same. Look what nazi germany did. Taking no action against the far right is being complicit with them.
Throw the ceo in jail
And the countries are letting it happen by not banning his companies or throwing the far right in jail in thier countries in jail
If the ceo can work the least amount of time/effort for the most amount of money. You can too.
God she is trash. He did very well
Good. They should. Theft is theft
The ring would have probably shriveld it up so there would be nothing to see
Well that's some good news
People need to go to jail for that
He shouldn't be cutting services. He should be teaching the rich more. You don't fix underfunded services by underfunding then even more.