When I found I used it too much, the same day I went to the web-app to write a goodbye-tweet, but Twitter denied me acces, unless I'd give it my phone number. So I left anyway.
Ludvík Vaculík: Morčata/The Guinea Pigs. It's about a man, who rears and mistreats guinea pigs to compensate for his own bridled life.
Any play by Václav Havel, if you're into absurd drama.
From newer authors, Anna Cima: Probudím se na Šibuji/I Wake Up in Shibuya, magic-realistic story of czech japanist, who left her soul (literally) in Japan.
Oh, I've just read you want untranslated works, I cannot find such a book I'd find recomendable enough, but try watching some Cimrmans, you'll find them at YouTube.
L'Arroseur Arrosé. That will show them not to block the sunlight with their ship.
(It would also show them our love for beauty, aour dependency on water, sense of humour and sense for justice.)
I'm from Europe, so there are only apes, and I don't want to keep theses, as the area aound me is heavilly overbeed. However, I consider keeping/supporting nonsocial bees (or bumblebees), but I haven't started yet.
Will you still accept the flying ability, if the flying is really exhausting? (I don't know what does it mean, but let's say for flying chosen velocity, you need the same ?performance? (please help my English) as if you were riding a bike (or even running).)
Still better than bow-moon fog. I tend to get lost in aerosol of lunar magma caused by the Moon paying tribute to their planet.
Jes, the moonbow I've seen was actually a moon-fog-bow.
I've seen it once and it was out-worldish (even though not as spectacular as the fotos at wikipedia).
Also TIL about dewbow and I want to see it.
TIL varroas have been found in Australia, I'm sorry for that.
And thank you for the explanation.
When I ask them a simple question and they answer with at least ten-sentences-long answer.
Jes, I do it too.
Can you elaborate how much is stingless-bee-keeping different from apis-mellifera-beekeeping?