Do I need a place reservation for TERs? (I've found some article about introducing of reservations from 2020, but I cannot find the current state.) And how much crowded TERs usually are?
Thank you, this has been really helpful.
Knock knock!
Would you like to hear about our lord and savior, The Great Lemming? (He jumped off cliff for our sins.)
Thank you, I shall check it.
Thank you, I just didn't realize how large France actually is.
Are there any more links between Cortez and Fëanor?
And the sorting algoritmus is terrible. I'm in one local facebook group and the top post is somebody looking for a help for that evening... month ago. That post didn't get more reactions/likes than others, just Facebook somehow decided I should see that and not an important large discussion about important topic.
toki! tenpo pini la mi lon ala lipu Reddit li toki ala e toki pona. tenpo ni la mi lon lipu Lemi li toki e toki pona. (mi wile e ni: sitelen mi li ike lili.)
I wanted just to roam through woods all night, but I have some duties in a city at solstice, so I have to postpone it. On the other hand, there will be a pagan gathering which I wouldn't participe otherwise.
I wanted to join Reddit this week, and found it was going into "interesting times". So I joined Lemmy instead.
Me: I have to spend less time on social media.
Also me: Federation is right thing. Do not leave!