
joined 1 year ago
[–] kmartburrito 2 points 16 hours ago

Dude, they can swallow flaming swords and shit. That's gotta count for something, right?

[–] kmartburrito 4 points 16 hours ago

Yeah even a drop of twelve inches (~30cm) can kill them. Poor guy/gal.

[–] kmartburrito 1 points 16 hours ago

thank mr skeltal

[–] kmartburrito 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I heard the metal gear solid noise there

[–] kmartburrito 8 points 3 days ago

This story is still super vivid in my mind after over a decade and I'm super glad I read it through completely. It's crazy but really fascinating.

[–] kmartburrito 12 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Imagine how much more video games and porn you could consume if you just had two more arms and hands?

[–] kmartburrito 3 points 1 week ago

Frick off Randy!

[–] kmartburrito 18 points 1 week ago
[–] kmartburrito 9 points 1 week ago

My company doesn't work weekends unless you're on call or something. I could see it happen with incident response or security operations, but other things aren't so critical that we need to have our staff working outside of normal business hours.

I may be lucky as well because I work within GRC, and we have a huge focus on work-life balance.

This 70% number seems high. I'm in leadership.

[–] kmartburrito 3 points 1 week ago

There's always money in the banana stand

[–] kmartburrito 6 points 1 week ago

So now on top of fake news we have fake speech, lol

[–] kmartburrito 16 points 2 weeks ago

Do the crime, do the time. You'll never see a conservative admit to this when it applies to Cheeto Jesus


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