What part of it is malicious? From what I understood, it is a illegal music downloading platform, and they say it opens its users to "legal action".
Are we calling pirating-enabling software malicious now? Because pirating is ilegal?
What part of it is malicious? From what I understood, it is a illegal music downloading platform, and they say it opens its users to "legal action".
Are we calling pirating-enabling software malicious now? Because pirating is ilegal?
If she lets you do bass to mouth, what's the problem?
How would a hash help? The dns just gives you info to resolve the destination, not the content.
They would need to map the trackers most likely
Here, have some tariffs
I didn't know about any swing and started using it for the past month with no issues so far
I'm not finding the video right now, but basically ozempic came from research on 2 different animals and their ways of dealing wth certain proteins. two unrelated topics from decades ago were combined to create the top drug of the moment.
So is DUNE only being constructed to keep people employed? Maybe today. We can never know in the future what their data is used for. Discriminating research by only what can be useful right away is very short-sighted
Proper PWA websites save very well to phone home screens (like voyager for Lemmy!)
You wanted to play a documentary or a game? Of course the player character solves important things
Try being in one of the many countries where whatsapp is the only path to get service from companies (banks, utilities, etc).
Even better, try living a modern life as a tourist abroad without a phone number. You can't get transportation, even public (and there is no physical payment option), you can't order delivery, you can't pay with credit cards online because you need to auth with sms. Everything requires an account and everything requires sms.
It's not just about privacy of your personal texts. People are putting entire societies in the hands of tech/telecom and demanding we identify through unsecure methods. Having a smartphone with a phone number and whatever is the main local app is now mandatory. Single point of failure everywhere.
Fireship maybe? It is not that complicated, they just make a good cheap AI and big tech is panicking because they can only make good expensive AI
I took it as "don't pretend we don't have censorship too"
I see, makes sense, so the problem is that the user tokens are collected without knowledge and could be used for pirating