You certainly have the option to take your own lunch, and many students do, but the fact is that a lot of American families just can't afford to. Lunches provided by the school are usually less than $2, and there are federal free or reduced-cost lunch programs for families that can't afford that.
For my kids, specifically, their school provides free lunch for every student. Additionally--and this does not seem to be the typical experience--they both absolutely love their school lunches.
You certainly have the option to take your own lunch, and many students do, but the fact is that a lot of American families just can't afford to. Lunches provided by the school are usually less than $2, and there are federal free or reduced-cost lunch programs for families that can't afford that.
For my kids, specifically, their school provides free lunch for every student. Additionally--and this does not seem to be the typical experience--they both absolutely love their school lunches.