Race stewards: hold my 0.0 beer.
Now that's a shit show.
Fuck this I'm turning it off.
Race stewards: hold my 0.0 beer.
Now that's a shit show.
Fuck this I'm turning it off.
This is a brand new feeling for Ferrari. "Did somebody else just fuck us? Only we fuck us!"
This could alter the outcome of the WCC. What a bunch of incompetent fucks.
Gender, like sexuality, is a spectrum and making it black and white is dumb. It's all the colours of the spectrum that make life wonderful.
I rent a lot of cars for work travel and BYDs are nowhere near as nice as Teslas to drive. That will change in time though, and their batteries are already better I believe.
Liberation is a better word.
That's not hypocritical at all and I don't think you know what that word means.
Tiny gorillas hanging on my neck.
I am doing very okay, and I'm not the one claiming I can do better.
I think they replaced those race directors with some people from the WWE.