
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Oat milk doesn't really work for me. Glad if it does for you ;-) I guess I will drink black coffee now. I received an AeroPress last week and while I always used good beans I ordered a selecton of premium beans from the webshop that I ordered the aeropress from.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Yes, 80 kcal are not much, but many small amounts sum up quickly in my experience, and 80kcal in liquid calories are much less satisfying than more solid stuff on my plate.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, non-dairy milk alternatives I did try. In away they are good as they don’t trigger the reaction I get with milk. But on the other hand since they don’t do that I can just as well drink my coffee black I think (and save these 80kcal altogether)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

If it were useless we would see at least some populations in the world to have lost it altogether.


I have a milk problem

Counting calories with a food scale is eye opening. That bit of milk in coffee was actually about 80ml on average and I guess on certain days I might have drank about 300ml in milk. I guess I will switch to drinking my coffee black now.

Overall I think I am someone who is drawn to milk, some people may have sugar cravings, for me it’s hard to resist milk. (Fermented dairy like yogurt or quark is totally different for me, it doesn’t trigger the same reactions).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

its not my plan, but it wouldnt be a problem for my health (i.e. I did it before)


I just recently occured to me that could use the formula used to calculate one's TDEE backwards. here me out.

Current TDEE is estimated at 2320 using this formula:

tdee = tdee_factor * (66 + 13.7 * weight_kg + 5 * height_cm - 6.8 * age_years)

If I would eat 2000 consistently, what weight could I expect to have? solving the above equation for weight_kg and using my data, I arrive at 92 kg.

If I would eat 1800 consistently, what weight could I expect to have? solving the above equation for weight_kg and using my data, I arrive at 80 kg.

My takeaway here is: today's deficit can be tomorrow's maintenance weight.

And me being overweight currently is actually me eating way more than what my body needs consistently for years.


So i ordered jeans with width 36 to see if I can go a size lower. Turns out W36 fits a bit tight but it fits and then I realize I am currently wearing W40 jeans, since they come in increments of two I am just two sizes down.


SV: 7kg lost (

Starting from June 6th I have now lost 7 kg on the scale.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I imagine it to be like 2 bottles of water and 3 bottles of oil or something (with bottles of 1 liter), or a 1 gallon jug.

I remember reading about a German TV host who lost weight and every week would fill up the total weight lost as water in two buckets and walk around the house with them just to get a feeling for the weight.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

obese actually

SV: 5kg lost (

Starting from June 6th I have now lost 5kg on the scale. And this after a 3 week vacation where I wasn’t able to weigh most foods and instead tried to moderate consumptions.

My strategy was to opt for salads when eating out, we had a rental apartment with a mini kitchen and there I prepared instant soup in e evening and broccoli’s cauliflower every other day.

I also indulged into cheese (directly from the cheese dairy three houses up the street), had some ice cream (not every day), and occasionally an Aperol Spritz.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I am 38 and have so far had no cavity. Turns out adults have a very easy handle on dental hygiene, brushing your teeth, flossing and avoiding candy and sweet drinks

I Am Leaving US Chess (
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Use rated games to be matched with real players. After a few games that you will lose you will be matched with players against which you have roughly a 50:50 chance of winning / losing. Don’t focus on the ELO rating specifically at the start. Playing against humans is definitely different from the computer. In the lower ELO ranges you will see a lot of moves that don’t make sense and that the chess engine would never play. On the other hand opponents can be quite good at reading your strategy (as opposed to a dumbed-down engine).

Use the Analyse game function after the game to get an idea of the mistakes you made.

I would start with 10 minute games so that you can play a few games in a row (gives you more practice) but still have time to think.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

It kind of seems they stole a decade off of Lasker.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

oops, was already posted.. Doesn't the UI give a hint for that? I'll look twice next time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Any particular reason why you chose this shape of paddle? There are a lot of different shapes and with straps in different positions (finger only, wrist…), I suppose they all have a specific uses but I have no idea. Or is it just marketing? :)

I picked it I think because I didn't know what to pick so uni-size from Speedo I thought I could not go totally wrong. Overall my heuristic is not grounded in a lot of swimming experience.


I clicked on "Analyze Game" and Stockfish wouldn't find any blunder or mistake. I had lost two matches against the opponent previously (on other days) so this game was just ... perfect.

(Is there any blog posts / etc on the distribution of accuracy-percentages, potentially for various ELO levels? I am pretty surprised that I played so accuracte given that I tend to blunder regularly)

Check-in (of sorts) (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

feel free to add your story / check in in the comments below

Weight has been stagnant for the last week or so. The immediate connection is of course that I stopped tracking calories for various reasons. I have sticked to general recommendations of my dietician with regards to portion control and I credit this with the fact that I did not gain weight.

Today I had to take care of a sick child at home, so now (~8pm) I am really tired, but still I think I can pat my back for eating 3 moderate meals (breakfast was 60g of oat flakes with yoghurt, for lunch Austrian cheese with full-grain bread I baked today, dinner was Pizza (!), with crust prepared from 100g of flour and mushroom topping).

I am a bit in this weird situation that I need to strengthen my back as past yoyo dieting has somewhat atrophied the muscles of the core, while I also should lose weight now as a lot of things in life are now in a place where I think sustainable weight loss is now a possibility.

So I am working out for a healthy mind (and to hopefully prevent further losing of muscle) while at the same time I am a bit worried of hurting myself in the process / messing up regeneration at a deficit.****

What fruit? (

I am a picky eater, have been a picky eater all my life. I managed during my late teenage years and early twenties to acquire a taste for vegetables (and I am grateful that I did), but fruits (apple, grape, etc) are still a problem for me.

I have identified however, that I like

  • Mango
  • oranges
  • lemons

Now I wonder what fruit I could "try" next. Preferably I would not start with Apples and Bananas (as a kid it was constantly suggested I should eat apple/bananas that I don't have the best memories in this regard, I think these will be tougher fruits to start with).

Why am I asking this? Ultimately I want to balance out my diet more and potentially get into a position where I can opt for fruit over chocolate if I want to have something sweet.

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