DDG is older than Bing after all
Bing as a brand, sure. But Bing was just a rebranded Windows Live Search, which was a rebranded MSN Search
DDG is older than Bing after all
Bing as a brand, sure. But Bing was just a rebranded Windows Live Search, which was a rebranded MSN Search
Psst, somebody tell this person about gendered nouns in every other European language
I wanted to donate without using Github's payment system
Can I donate to a PayPal or similar?
Yep, there's an additional filter for those
Could you expand a bit on what makes it horrible?
I'm not American so I'm not familiar with how HOAs work
What's the consequence to just ignoring the rule?
Plastic and recycling have nothing to do with climate change though
I really liked the first two thirds of that film before they went into the black hole
I noticed Phase 1 is for EMUs, so assumedly the 319s and 323s
The 150s have to be first diesels for the chop, along with the 155s and 156s. I'll be sad to see the 156s go, they're the epitome of a DMU in my mind.
I wonder if the 158s will be removed. I hope not
See also: Huawei
Oh I meant traffic lights
Yea it's clunky as hell and unusable for driving, but as a browsable walking map it's the best