The world has shown that the only thing they care about are fighting tarrifs. Those, you see are worse than genocide.
Their values, grandstanding human rights to poor countries and morals be damned. They'll still support Apartheid Israel.
The world has shown that the only thing they care about are fighting tarrifs. Those, you see are worse than genocide.
Their values, grandstanding human rights to poor countries and morals be damned. They'll still support Apartheid Israel.
The cow is ready for milking and you are the cow.
A country that's known for pillaging/genociding the native, using slavery and ravaging other countries for profit is now pillaging the one's they convinced are living in the "greatest country in the world".
shocked_pikachu_face.jpg. -People in the US
If you really look into Indian independence, Gandhi had fuck all to do with it. The british lost a lot in the war and they were making concessions. They already had extracted, exploited, and starved the poor and didn't want the overhead of managing large colonies anymore.
That is why the british marked their borders, that is why they still use british governance, that is why the ruling class are still the ones from high caste and status that helped British subjugate the lower class/caste during their rule.
And all that is why there's still a lot of corruption and class/gender/caste/religion conflicts. They just got new sheep in wolf's clothing.
It wasn't some grassroots movement that won over by peace and protest. It was a hand me down.
Going back to the roots, I see.
You're always free to create your own browser from scratch with your own ideology.
Have a go at it, champ!
They're are desperately trying to project manipulated statistics of saving, growth & efficiency while society is failing left and right.
But their populace is easily fooled, so there's that. They'll parrot it for years to come.
This is standard, long term US behaviour
The sad thing is they think bad things start and end with one man and not at all a result of ignoring all the shit your country does without consequences.
bUt mUh sIdE
Washington post, Bezos mouth piece would not be trying to sway thing in any way tho. right?
so it's just wants to go where it was made and swim with the dolphins.
reddit was just another pligg/elgg (open source link aggregator/social media cms at that time) clone trying to eat into the diggs market. and yes, reddit was open source too.
But unlike the fragmented open source alternatives, reddit had a marketing budget and lured in most of the users.