This is why having a dedicated person/team to maintain docs is very important
Sayangnya begitu
For me it's mainly to aggregate multiple news site so I can more easily read them. It also helped me to centrally track which news article I have read across multiple devices
Pake connect skrg, tp masih mungkin akan ganti, apalagi kl ad yg mau buat rif untuk lemmy
Need testimony from people using this with prescription
I don't really care about the feel of a keyboard, but the fact that you can replace a broken switch is very amazing. Previously my membrane keyboard only last for about 1-2 year before I need to throw it away because some of the key stop registering. Now I can just replace the switch for <$1
Based on what happen to quora, I think this is a bad idea
Does anyone know how makes money? Wiki hosting side without stable income will just get bought out by bigger player or turn bad like fandom
Tapi sepertinya masih kurang panas dan lama untuk buat orang percaya global warming
+1 for Project Hail Mary, one of the few books that can make me forget to sleep on a weekdays to finish it
I think people only care about their privacy if the consequences is something they can see/feel directly (e.g. privacy related to election)
Last time I tried, Dropbox has the best linux app. It even supports LAN syncing and integration with nautilus (ubuntu default file manager). However I need to move to onedrive because dropbox is just too expensive