
joined 2 years ago
[–] jozza 20 points 4 months ago (1 children)
[–] jozza 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Don't suppose you could give a quick run-down on that process? I'm needing to do it have have been struggling with the available documentation.

[–] jozza 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

British flag or Australian flag?

[–] jozza 5 points 10 months ago

I will spin this up as soon as it's able to connect to and pull my youtube/twitch/rss feeds without maintaining them manually. I've spent enough time in homeassistant to know a timesink when I see one.

[–] jozza 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm just here to lurk and see what others say, as I've used Calibre in the past and it didn't really do the job I was hoping it would.

[–] jozza 1 points 1 year ago

I recently migrated my Plex server to a box running Proxmox with Plex in an LXC container. Very little resource overhead, and it's been rock solid ever since. No ragrets.

[–] jozza 132 points 1 year ago (18 children)

This kind of systemic fuckery is exactly why ACAB has been and remains accurate. If cops with moral fortitude are removed from their posts for standing up to cops without it, then the system is selecting for bastard cops and those that allow bastard cops to thrive.

[–] jozza 10 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I may be on my own with this, but shouldn’t the portmanteau start with denim (the fabric used) instead of jeans (a specific item made with that fabric)? I get that people already use the word jorts, and maybe some of these items actually are jeans converted into shorts, but I’d bet the vast, vast majority are just shorts made of denim, so are ‘denim shorts’, or ‘dorts’. #makedortsgreatagain

[–] jozza 53 points 1 year ago (12 children)

Myanonamouse is a place of friendliness, warmth, and sharing.

[–] jozza 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is why America needs preferential voting. It works great. Voting for a third party allows them to win seats, receive funding, continue building momentum, and if they don’t get a majority vote then your vote still counts toward your two-party preference. There is no downside… unless you want to maintain the current two-party power dynamic.

[–] jozza 219 points 1 year ago (10 children)

This author seems pretty comfortable mocking the concept of games being addictive.

Loot boxes need to stop for sure, but things like limited-time content are 100% designed to form habits and ultimately feed gaming addiction. Season passes or weekly achievements require you to log on and grind out challenges at regular intervals to avoid missing out on rewards that are required for competitive play.

I know plenty of people who have had to make an active choice to stop playing certain games because they found they couldn’t play the game ‘on their own terms’. It sucks as an adult, but kids without fully developed brains capable of rational thinking would stand no chance.

[–] jozza 81 points 1 year ago (28 children)

I’m a renewable bro. I wanna see as much money pumped into as much infrastructure for renewables as possible. I wanna see solar on every building. I wanna see off-shore wind and tidal energy production. I’m keenly following development of clean, efficient, and cost-effective energy storage technologies, and much is being done in this space to support a future switch to full renewable reliance.

That won’t change the fact that we need on-demand energy now and we need to stop using coal and gas as soon as possible. We currently don’t have energy storage at scale. We will, but we don’t. So in the meantime, nuclear is probably the best option to pursue for use over the next couple of decades while we continue to invest in, and implement, renewables.

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