The felon, a man you thought you hated. But when you looked him in the eyes you saw yourself. What's gravity? We're all victims of causality, spewing forth without rhyme or reason concepts like treason, but we're all here to live and the way to do that is to give with a full heart, not a heart stop full stop.
There once was a man from Jamaica, Who liked to sling pieces of paper. The tropical sun was a topical one, And the walri could see it much deeper.
For Brunswick Court 9505512958634335416312
Oh yeah! I was planning on putting tracking numbers on the Lemmy community where I'm putting my letter codes. Yeah tracking numbers to the max thanks friend
Very nice! The Permittivity of Free Space is doing a handstand and would like a word with you.
Also did you ladies and fellas know that y=x^x is the ace of spades?
How many digits of Pi would you have to read for you to be able to reconstruct all of the information in the Universe up to this moment?
Nah I replied to someone else with a similar thought. The Notorious Fibs sure I agree with you they are new information, similar to the primes but just adding +1 over an over again or even some repeating pattern doesn't add new information beyond the initial pattern.