Thanks for your answer!
I find it hard to find bike charging stations from these sites that seem to focus on electric cars. And I haven't been able to find that bikester app, would you have a link?
However, you usually don’t need charging stations. Do a lunch break (or a coffee break, beer break, ice cream break, …) at a restaurant, cafe, bar and ask nicely if you can charge your battery while you’re there. I tried that dozens of times, with a 100% success rate.
That's great advice! Thanks a lot.
L'April n'est pas une association de consommateurs :)
Mais oui, ça montre ce qui marche le mieux. À mon sens, faire des propositions concrètes et suivre dans la durée avec les parlementaires marche mieux qu'organiser des pétitions ou de gueuler sur les réseaux sociaux.