The poster you're replying to is very much designed to drive engagement, and any attention, good or bad, serves its purposes. I'd rather not feed this particular type of poster, but if we don't point out the flaws in its reasoning, we might lose a few of those genuine Greens and Socialists.
I don't disagree that voting in America is a pick between a steaming mug of donkey pee, and an elephant dung sandwich, and has been this way for decades. I'm even with you in that we should have a choice that doesn't include donkey pee and elephant dung. But the reality is you can't have 150 million different people in the world's largest picnic each get different food, so there HAS to be a limited menu to vote from, lest nobody can agree on what we're gonna eat and we all go hungry. And whatever has the most votes at the end of the day will be what we all eat, and unfortunately, that looks like it'll be between not just donkey pee and elephant dung, but that the elephant has a bad case of gastroenteritis and the bread on the sandwich is EXTREMELY mouldy, AND there are a crazy number of rabid fans of elephant dung sandwiches for some fucked up reason. There are also a lot of crazies who have a taste for donkey pee, but at least you can wash that down with a stiff alcoholic drink. The elephant diarrhoea with two mouldy pieces of bread, on the other hand, can't be gotten rid of except with a high-pressure wash. Since I don't want the elephant excrement consumers to dictate what I am doing, and there's not enough sane people in the world to offset the donkey pee or elephant dung choosers, I'll pick the lesser of two evils.
And I say this as someone who is already a lockin for Proposition 131 (Colorado's RCV) and who has voted third party in the past.
And this poster's response to this was as predictable as the sun rising in the east, setting in the west, water rolling downhill, and Russell Wilson sitting on the bench for a different team while we pay for him. 🤣
You called this poster out properly, and the mods refusal to let us call a spade a spade here. Readers, I invite you to read the definition of a troll from Merriam-Webster: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. The poster that constantly changes its name over and over again repeats it'll keep posting its content despite being soundly rejected over and over again, just so it can piss us off. I'm not asking for it to be removed, though I sure won't turn down such an outcome. But can we at least call a spade a spade where this poster is concerned?