
joined 1 year ago
[–] jhymesba 1 points 13 hours ago

Yeah. This can be quibbled with, but it puts the most important thing at the bottom: Polls are meaningless unless you GOTV.

[–] jhymesba 9 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I like the sentiment if not the wording here. The only poll that matters is the one conducted on 5 November. All others are just tools the campaigns use to motivate voters and direct campaigners. If you want your guy or gal to win, you need to act as if you're 2 points down in the polls and vote accordingly.

[–] jhymesba 4 points 2 days ago

I definitely think there is a case of Goose/Gander here. If Biden was too old, and got run out of office by opportunistic media jerks happy to harp on his age day after day, attacking things he's done his entire adult life as if it shows he's one foot in the grave, then by god, the Media should jump all over Trump for the same problems. This is our way of saying "Hey, if Biden was too old at 81, then so is Trump at 78, especially with 59 year old Harris in the mix. Where are you, Media?"

[–] jhymesba 1 points 2 days ago

The reasons Hillary lost in 2016 are varied.

  • Poor GoTV operations in WI, MI, and PA.
  • Comey fucking her over with a GOP October Surprise.
  • People didn't know what they would get with Trump. They were saying he'd turn Presidential for YEARS after he was elected. (He never did...)
  • Hillary having a faint smell of corruption around her, mostly concocted by Team Trump.
  • Russian Troll Farms filled with dipshits who worked overtime to fan dissention amongst the Left and Centre while empowering Team Trump.
  • Targeted Troll attacks in Swing States, specifically WI, MI, and PA, that Hillary wasn't paying attention to.

Even with all that going on, she did end up as the Winningest Losing Candidate in American history. I HOPE that they are going 50 State Strategy this time around. Trolls look for weak points that they can attack.

[–] jhymesba 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Thanks for this. StaySquared is too much of a chickenshit to retract his claim, I suspect.

[–] jhymesba 2 points 2 days ago

Honestly, if it's a choice between me and some people I don't know half a world away, I'm picking me. That goes twice when the choices are:

  • Pick the gal who will piss off the dictator to the point where he complains that he's not getting enough bombs and missiles quick enough for his bloodthirstiness...like her former boss did.
  • Pick the guy who will hand more than enough bombs and missiles to kill every single Palestinian at least once, if not more than once, while grinding American Muslims under the bootheel of Right-Wing Authoritarianism.

I'll pick the gal every single fucking time.

[–] jhymesba 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You are a complete and total idiot if you follow this person's ideas, and your choice to vote Third Party or stay home will only increase the chance that you and people you supposedly care about will be fed to the Republican meat grinders, and then you'll have no more worry about Democrats because you'll be in jail or just plain dead.

That's what you'll be enabling. Project 2025, who views Muslims as little more than animals, will be fast-tracked. If you think that's the smart play, you are a fucking moron and deserve everything you have coming to you.

PS: Dems aren't guilty of what this guy's insinuating here. That's 100% on Republicans.

PPS: This is the kind of BS that Russians and Republicans are injecting into our discussions on a day to day basis. While I won't violate Rule 3 and outright call him a bot or shill, I WILL point out to everyone else that this is the bullshit that Team Putin and Team Pepe use to divide Democrats and suppress the vote.

PPS: I agree with @nomous that it's weird, if not ridiculous, that this guy thinks he has a lock on the Arab American psyche. Our whole purpose here is to remind everyone on the Left coalition that come next January, either Kamala Harris will start her first term as POTUS and MAYBE slow-roll more bombs and missiles to Israel so that Egypt, Syria, and others don't try to finish what they started in the '60s, or Trump, who will supply Israel with all the bombs and missiles he can while outlawing Muslims and forcing Christianity down their throats here in the USA via Project 2025. If you're stupid enough to prefer 4 years of Project 2025 to whatever you think Harris will be guilty of, you deserve what you're gonna get, sideways, without lube. And I think that makes you an idiot and a moron like the guy I'm replying to. Make the smart play and don't listen to this fool.

[–] jhymesba 3 points 4 days ago

Don't forget getting Student Loans to be somewhat affordable. 5% of not just your total income, but your disposable income, accounting for basic cost of living. That actually convinced me to step away from my ongoing education and enter loan repayment. A huge deal considering how much loan debt I have...

[–] jhymesba 2 points 4 days ago

Thanks for saying this.

In the late 70s, the Shah of Iran was a posterchild for authoritarianist shitheads. Everyone wanted him gone, from the religious Right to the academic Left and everything in between. A crowd of liberals, professors, businessmen, reactionaries, and mullahs all united to send the Shah packing. When it was all said and done, Iran had an opportunity to form a Muslim Democracy and join the world as a rising star.

Then the Left started arguing with itself. There were the Communists who wanted Glorious Revolution, and the Academics who just wanted a sane system of government, and the moderates who wanted only a LITTLE bit more socialist support for the underserved, and each of those factions split into sub-factions over some little petty policy difference or another. And while they were fighting, the Religious Right came together, unified in the belief that Gawd Himself was on their side, and promptly took over government.

Iran went from a secular dictatorship to a religious dictatorship while the Left argued.

France has shown us that that doesn't have to happen, by unifying in voting against the Right and settling on one candidate for each district and not letting little distractions get in the way. Unfortunately, despite this win, it shows us that the more things change, the more they stay the same and the various factions of the Left that are unwilling to compromise a single tiny bit and are willing to burn down the house if they don't get exactly what they want, which might just cause the fall of the coalition that defeated the Hard Right in France and another risk of the rise of a Fascist government. Let's be like France before the election, and not like France after, if we possibly can?!

[–] jhymesba 6 points 4 days ago

Exactly this. I knew all along that if Biden dropped out, it would be going from "I'm in this 100%" to "I'm out for the good of the nation" without anything in between. You can't do anything but that in politics, because a wishy-washy 'we're evaluating what's best for the country' would be the death of his campaign, and he'd have no choice besides "I'm out" at that point. Might as well just rip the bandaid off and go straight to "I'm out" without any intermediary steps. Be fully invested until you make the decision you can't be anymore.

[–] jhymesba 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yeah, I like to call that the 10-80-10 principle. That's why it's so important to keep the arguments up for why we should vote Blue no matter who. 10% want to fuck everyone over. And they've managed to convince another 22% that they are right. We're all screwed if we don't get the 68% that aren't assholes to vote Blue.

[–] jhymesba 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

We really don't have a lot of facts here. What we have so far:

  • He ranted against paedophiles.
  • He was a registered Republican.
  • There were Trump signs in his (family's) yard.
  • He was bullied in school.
  • A donation was made in his name for $15 to an Act Blue subsidiary.
  • He was denied being on the rifle team due to his behaviour and his lack of skill with a rifle.

And that's about it. Not much room to base your guess.

It's just as likely that he bought into the notion that the elites are all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers, but NOT the notion that that only applied to the Left, and tried to remove a Right-Winger with a history of visiting powerful men and diddling kids on exclusive islands.


While rebutting another post here on Lemmy, I ran into this. This says exactly what I want to say.

I am not a friend of Biden's Administration. I think they drug their feet over a variety of things ranging from holding Trump and his goons accountable for January 6th through rulemaking on issues like OTC Birth Control and abortion rights, and yes, I think he's too quick to please big business. But then I remember what the alternative is, and ... well, disappointed in Biden or not, I'm voting for him. Because my wife is a Black bisexual goth woman, four strikes under Team Pepe's tent. And I have my own strikes for marrying her as a White dude, and respecting her right to not have kids since she doesn't want them is another strike against me. And I care about my Non-Christian, Gay, Transgender, and Minority friends, and will never willingly subject them to Team Pepe.


Saw this today, and ... well, I'm not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you're aligned with Trump.


So, my thought here is that I really feel like this should be leading the effort to get Joe Biden returned to office in 2025. This shit really does scare me -- how efficiently the GOP has planned to do this shit, and how abjectly bad the Democrats are at bringing this up. Maybe it's because I'm not a political campaign runner and there's something I'm missing, but man, it feels like this would be IMPORTANT to get in front of the voters? What are your guyses' thoughts on this topic?

GURPS Games (self.gurps_unofficial)

Feel free to list some games you're running right now. I'll get it started.

My game is set in the Palladium Megaverse, specifically the space opera setting of Phase World (the Three Galaxies). The heroes beat all 10 stages of the Labyrinth, and are now celebrities. The big question is what to do next? There's a war building up over finding the Mythical Cosmic Forge, the item that supposedly built the entire Three Galaxies and represents the legacy of the First, a race of beings viewed as almost godlike in the setting...a setting that features honest to goodness gods like Isis or Hestia. And there's also talk about a nasty demon on demon war possibly shaping up!

The heroes are setting up shop on a planet recently converted from a hostile ocean world to a full on Garden Planet by the Hyrill Stellar Corporation, an old fixture in the setting with a long history of terraforming planets. Some of them, such as the afore-mentioned Isis, are happy to settle down and get comfortable, while others, such as LeRay the Wizard from another dimension (and game system entirely!) are ready to go kick ass and chew bubblegum, and they're fresh out of bubblegum.

Welcome to GURPS on Lemmy (self.gurps_unofficial)

Hi, everyone. I didn't see any GURPS communities, so I thought I'd start one. Feel free to start posting about GURPS here.

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