In mouse settings there should be option "Press middle button and move mouse to scroll"
Only problem I see with this, is that at least Netflix limits you to 720p when using linux. I imagine Amazon and Disney might also have similar DRM related restrictions. Other than that, everything on your list should be doable.
Now english is not my first language, but "reactor grabs 97.5% of lithium from geothermal sources" and " achieved a lithium purity rate of 97.5%." do not sound like the same thing.
if rebooting is and option, it will release the mounts. And should be safe because mounting on top of an existing path doesn't really break anything. the original files still exist, but are just hidden because they are under the new mount. Once the mount is released, everything should be as it was.
you most likely have a terminal open that is currently in that path.
umount -f /home/skynet
You can force it.
umount /home/skynet
should release it.
can you see the the mount using mount