I watched the whole video and it just yells I read a 2010 Kotaku article about gamergate and a 7th grade English class. Why was this video relevant to this?
Liberation of whom through these memes? Femcels? The folks who are choosing to associate with incels? How are they being oppressed? Do they have to shower and stop living in their fantasies? Is that the oppression?
The person uptop made it seem to be a whole movement and inspiring. When it just sounds like it's a bunch of keyboard NEETs who don't talk to people. Wait yeah, it's just incels.
Nevermind, move along.
I don't know, no one gets called a fag and thinks on what they did. It's just baseless aggression, rather than communicating anything of value.
If you have strong opinions, voice them like a man. Not like a beast growling.