In most linux tiling managers it is used with directional keys to nav windows and desktops.
Any European versions of this kind of weldless metal joinery?
Is emacs considered a modal editor?
Let me try for a pinentry script over the weekend first, to see how the placeholder looks.
It might be nice to have a way of giving more context, which is what the message option was good for in rofi. Not knocking it though, I am a happy fuzzel user.
The script is there in the post, but I haven't tried it yet. It would be nice if fuzzel had a message option, like rofi, so that key information could be displayed in the passphrases request; that s is what pinentry-rofi uses.
Has anyone done any greenhouse automation with hass? I don't know where to start.
It used to be considered a security risk back in the day. Maybe it just a security "unknown"
I should have read the article first -- passphrases and pinentry are here
Fuzzel is great. I only wish it had a pinentry option.
Do you mean "Cyprus" the country, or Cypress the type of tree?