They are draining their capital investment. Their employees are not paying the 5b.
This. Getting Biden in as a VP would threaten the legitimacy of the democracy, which was already in jeopardy by the DNC shoving the candidate through very weak primaries.
Fdroid says that it is bound to for tiles. What are the chances that we are giving our data to a company who will take it away from us, or is just using us for free labour?
You picked the two most bubbled housing markets you could? Vanity is beautiful, though, many newcomers don't handle the winters well.
How did it work out?
Can you tell why an idealized ine-state wasn't your choice? Perhaps with an ethnically protecting constitution, and government composition requirements?
Not Turkish, but Hot Skull was a great watch. At the risk of speaking on behalf of Turks, I think that the premises run deep into the culture.
Zed seems cool, but not much better than other options. I am still kind of thrown off by the immediate GH/CoPilot integration. Am I the an old man left in the caves of feeling that I don't need the AI help?
Elections would be good, but hard to do for 1/3 of the country
Where is there food going to come from?
SDDm now has a wayland implementation? About time.
No, I'm not being sarcastic, and actually I am quoting Vlad Vexler. The trheat to democratic trust is that Biden was squeezed through without proper opportunity for party members to compare candidates. Twice (the Bernie Sanders case also being pretty murky.
If Biden was brought in as Vice President, then ppl would just assume that something shifty is happening behind the scenes, again. The stated threat to democracy is via a threat to trust in democratic structures.
Don't get me wrong. I am neither American, nor conservatives (even on non-US levels.)