I'm really liking them! They're super clear and really comfortable for me. The build quality is just... OK, but they're fun to listen to. They're my second set of open circumaural headphones. My first was the HD599, and I've also got Portapros--not circumaural, but "open" (kinda). I didn't enjoy the HD599 (I think their sound just wasn't to my taste, and I found them uncomfortable), but fortunately my wife kept those. I pretty much always prefer to listen on the Sundaras, except when it's not convenient to do so (moving around). I use a Qudelix 5k to drive them and to have the option of Bluetooth (phone) or USB (PC).
I "cheaped" out and got the LAJ from Stanley (the Sweetheart No. 62). I think Rex Parker(?) on YouTube had a good comparison of a lot of the "fancy" low angle jacks (as did a million other people). I settled on "good enough". I do this for fun, and so far that plane has been quite fun and easy to use. I love low angle jacks now.
Edit: here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPNSR-XpOdk
I think the answer here depends on your friend group and what you're actually excited to play. I think you're more likely to have fun if you're playing something compelling than if you're playing something that's "easier". Then it comes down to how good the learner's resources are.
For me and my friends, I think diving into traditional Fantasy was great.
For systems and content, I can speak to the PF2e Beginners Box, which is effectively playable by players and GM with 0 prep for anyone, even completely new players (that's why it exists). That system is fairly"crunchy", but there are lots of resources online and many VTTs handle the tedium for you. D&D5e is also somewhat beginner friendly, but not as much for a new GM (you'll have to prep yourself a lot beforehand). I've easily run games for completely new players with minimal issues, but as a new GM it could be overwhelming. There are other systems that are much less rules-heavy, like PBTA or Blades in the Dark. I've got a game set to start for Blades, but we haven't had our first session yet, so I can't comment.
Good luck and enjoy! Remember the point is to have fun, first and foremost.
Yeah, it's kind of stunning. I'd always enjoyed it, but I've grown to really respect how good a job they did together.
Thomas Bangalter actually released a classical album since the split (I haven't checked it out, but I haven't heard great things about it): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythologies_(ballet)
My go-tos are Rush, Tool, Amon Tobin, Daft Punk, and Ed Rush + Optical.
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is growing on me a lot (more just for fun than for being particularly well-mastered...).
I actually have a couple of silicone trivets (honeycombed) that I use for both anti-slip pads and to hold the sander. It does a surprisingly good job of damping the vibrations from my DeWalt ROS. I'm referring to something like these:
Edit to add that I think there are also vibration -dampening gloves, though I don't know how effective they are.
Minor meltdown over tooth brushing, but that's... about it.
Today was a good day.
Ah, clumping + dark roast (oil) makes a ton of sense. That's... frustrating. I don't do dark roasts, so I don't usually have that issue. My only issue is the deafening sound (which I'm sure you're also painfully familiar with). For what it's worth, my Encore is modded to add a stepless grind adjustment in addition to the stepped ring (the Preciso adjuster).
It looks really nice, even with the outward facing pocket-holes on the bottom rail. I'd bet nobody notices them except you.
I really like the aesthetic of the posts (dowels?) on the sides, and just the overall clean look of the build. Nicely done!
I have an Encore and I'd say that it makes a massive difference when I clean it every ~~6 months~~ very frequently as recommended per the manual. It tends to cause a gigantic difference in grind size and speed, so I'd believe a steady drift. That said, inconsistency is weird -- it makes me feel like something is (internally) loose and occasionally shifting. Any chance you've got something broken? I'm not familiar with the Sette, but (e.g.) the Encore has a plastic ring for the lower burr that sometimes needs replacement after a few years. Source: I replaced mine after a few years.
This seems to me like a much smarter solution, and it's more in line with how (e.g.) YouTube kids and the Play Store work (content with ratings, but a separate ecosystem with non-earnarked content that parents could always approve). Crafty kids will always find a way around stuff, especially if they're unsupervised.
This strategy seems like it would be much less obtrusive, with the bonus of probably being a lot safer for kids in practice. Nobody is ever going to successfully blacklist all the adult content the internet can generate... that's a Sisyphean task.
Thanks! I'd be curious to see a picture of the 3d-printed stand if you've got one.
I wish there were good open-backed RF headphones that came in pairs, but I couldn't seem to find any. My wife and I watched movies with headphones for a while when my kid was really little, but we just ended up using Bluetooth. That had a lot of annoyances to go with it, even after a lot of iterating.