
joined 1 month ago
[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 45 minutes ago

Thanks that is real helpful! A lot easier than what I had fuzzily in mind

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (1 children)

Really cool art. The music is smooth af. It sounds like a super smooth version of Om Unit. Basically experimental drum and bass, definetly very original tho.

Edit: man this is awesome. Any fan of ambient, dnb or music should listen to these guys.. Listening to the References Of Synthesis album atm.

[–] jamie_oliver 2 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

One thing about the thumbdrives, a LOT of features did not work for me when running live bootable, and it almost put me off. Then I made the actuall full install and a lot of the stuff that had not worked now did. Just so people understand the live bootables are very much just a demo, and doesn't say much about compatibility really.

submitted 7 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) by jamie_oliver to c/[email protected]

Once again for some reason the album cover used for bandcamp looks like trash compared to other sources but whatever..

The actual album cover adds a lot to the vibe and looks great: https://open.spotify.com/track/2iki8J4U7oDWsl2TIwC5xS

This is a really cool Vaporwave type album. This is some real 2012 tumblr music for anyone who was around then lol. I really enjoy the album, lounge music mixed spacy oldschool trap beats with vaporwave production.


New EP from Norwegian upsammy. Very interesting artist. This release is probably a bit more danceable than the previous ones, I recommend the full one as the progression is real nice. It is on Spotify and most likely Bandcamp as well.

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (2 children)

Nice I didn't know that ^^ should probably learn at least the basic bash operators, I am just hacking together the different commands I happen to know at the moment really

Edit: why echo instead of printf?

This was causing a lot of issues with newlines, like when I fetched the log to view it my $ was right after the log entry so I switched it back. But it is probably useful in the future to use >> instead :)

[–] jamie_oliver 4 points 10 hours ago

Haha thank you. It was hell for a while but eventually it became fun :p learned a lot as well that I probably wouldn't have otherwise..

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 10 hours ago

Idk if it is normal, maybe not. I do k ow the broadcom issue is tho. And the crashing installers one for example was something I saw a "solution" for by random, when just watching random linux on mba 2012 setup videos to see what I was doing wrong. No other mention anywhere but right in the middle of this video was someone else with the same problem.. So it obviously wasn't just me.

The broadcom chips are largely a goddamn mess apparently. See this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers

But know that this info is not working for me, and I had to use this instead: https://www.thetestspecimen.com/posts/broadcom-wifi-modules-fedora/

I don't think you will be running into any other issues really but these are INFURIATING when you don't know where to start. If you decide to go for an intel mac then spend some time looking up the drivers and issues beforehand I think. Also, I went down many rabbitholes because I am new to linux, if you have some experience this probably isn't that bad idk..

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 10 hours ago

That does sound nice, thank you for the suggestion

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 10 hours ago

Yeah it is like my own small blog and it really helps remembering for me :)

I will look up rsync, I have no proper backup yet except a script that just copies some folders and files that are important..

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (4 children)

It is not as cryptic as it sounded I just explained it badly.

Log everything you do in human readable text, because realistically as a beginner going through machine generated logs is not very fun, and .bash_history will be filled with stuff that isn't relevant always.

It is just a bash script that logs a message with the current date to a file I can access from MacOS as well (on the shared partition) so that I can see what I did if I mess up too bad..


Here it is:

# Log argument to changelog.txt with current date and time.

function log()
	local changelog="/run/media/jamie/DUAL/changelog"
	local text="$(cat $changelog)" 
	if [ "$1" == "--view" ]; then
		cat $changelog
		printf "$text\n$(date +%D:%H:%M): $1\n" > $changelog

Each line looks like this: 03/16/25:11:49: Running dnf upgrade

I will probably add some stuff so I can get the last 5 lines or something if I want, but at the moment this is really fine.

[–] jamie_oliver 5 points 21 hours ago

XFCE is really fast for me as well! I thought I was fine with how slow Catalina was running, and I was but now it is kind of painful when I have to boot back into MacOS and it feels slooow..

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 22 hours ago

Good choice! It rocked :D

submitted 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by jamie_oliver to c/[email protected]

Just wanted to share my experience moving to Linux from MacOS. Very satisfying, but of course not at first. I think my patience has improved a lot too lol.

I started out trying live bootables on my 2012 MBA. 4GB RAM, 60GB HDD. Not a beast really, but it is my only computer. I obviously couldn't risk ending up without a working OS, so the only option was dual boot from an external drive. Bought an SSD connected via USB and started trying to install distros. Initially Fedora Workstation. Was a mess. Slow, wifi was not working well, odd crashes etc.. Decided to start over with something lighter, but all other installers crashed halfway through. I kid you not I shot my back again bent over my small laptop i without working peripherals trying to install different distros. My doctor was not happy when I came back and told her I fucked up my back again because of my posture lol. Apparently, a shitty USB leads to crashes on most installers. I knew Anaconda worked tho, so I went back to a lighter DE with Fedora, XFCE. Set up an install on the SSD with a shared partition I could access from both MacOS and fedora. No big permission issues yet.

Then fixing network drivers. There is a lot of info about what chip needs what driver, a lot of which is incorrect apparently, because my chip which was supposed to work with bcma needed broadcom-wl. The joy when I remembered USB tethering was a thing.. For a laptop with no ethernet plug this was a godsend. Got the drivers, got wifi.

And since then, many "issues" I encountered where simply things that generally happened behind the scenes on MacOS I didn't even know where happening. Learning about these things has been very gratifying, and gives a lot of respect for a polished OS that just works like magic. Eventually, an issue on MacOS I could not solve due to it being a walled garden made me switch to Linux as a daily driver, and once I got over CMD and CTRL being swapped it sped up my workflows and runs better overall. More tweaking tho of course.

There are odd quirks but I found fun solutions for some, and began planning and learning to remedy others. Mostly, everything is working really well. I am having a lot of fun!

My tip for anyone struggling with getting started with linux, set up a log function so you can easily log any relevant changes you make, and have it accessible from somewhere else (like a shared partition or external drive for example). This way you know what you have done and can use that to fix whatever you fuck up. Also, make a knowledge base with the sources you find useful. I have a small kb in UpNote now so I can look up how some things were done instead of having to search and find the right guides over and over.

[–] jamie_oliver 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

In that case maybe Alenah and Eldstad can be fun. Small local bands from that scene.

Your post got me listening to bands I used to like tho! Like "This Is Not A Game Of Who The Fuck Are You". 101010 album is great

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by jamie_oliver to c/[email protected]

I had a hard time putting this in a genre so I gave it several that appear over the album. Ver interesting finnish producer making experimental electronic reminiscent of SOPHIE at her most experimental mixed with beats from various styles. Generally overall a unique experience. Love the album cover as well (EDIT: the album cover is different on spotify vs bandcamp. I really like the spotify one, very uncanny).

Coolest album I heard this month for sure.

Rustdusk - Kiln (open.spotify.com)

Tor is insanely prolific, I really recommend picking whatever topic sounds most interesting to you as it is likely the best place to start. (Some videos are travel vlogs more or less, ignore those unless you are interested in that)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by jamie_oliver to c/ancientinternet

I have tried winding the gears back to starting position but now whenever I try to predict the solstice it is incorrect, causing great embarrassment at the local sect. I bought this because those young men in white robes drawing mystic figures in the sand convinced me it would help me with my predictions, and that it was a lot easier than traditional augury or lining up rocks like the celts do. I call bullshit, what the hell is the problem with traditional birds entrails telling you these things? I spent a goat on this and it isn't working, and I released all the birds because I thought I wouldn't need them anymore and now I am freaking out, if I don't get this right Zeus know what the initiae will do to me.

Anyways, any of you have experience with this issue?


Full new Atom TM album released today.


Yes I know two posts in ten minutes, I am sorry, but this is great stuff. Glitchy, jazzy and just plain interesting. Switches it up a lot.


Love this track. Adam Johnson was completely unknown to me, stumbled upon by accident through the VA that this video takes it's bg from. I highly recommend both Adam Johnson in general and that VA ("mas confusion", haha get it? sorry I am tired), as it includes many IDM artists that I dare say are lost to time? Many I never heard the name of, doing pretty interesting stuff.

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